We are greatly considering having you take steroids as a treatment.
Due to the recent blood test results showing a high white blood cell count, we are greatly considering having you take steroids as a treatment.
英語にすれば「We are greatly considering having you take steroids as a treatment.」になります。「Steroids」という単語は強いイメージあるかもしれませんが、服用のために分かるように「as a treatment」を追加しました。
「Due to the recent blood test results showing a high white blood cell count, we are greatly considering having you take steroids as a treatment.」
最初「Due to the recent blood test results showing a high white blood cell count」は
そして、一番最初の文章「we are greatly considering have you take steroids as a treatment.」に置きます。「ステロイドの服用に対してはかなり慎重に考えている」を表します。