世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/07/30 12:54
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  • Were there any grammatical mistakes in the English that I just used?

「今、話した英文の中で文法的に間違っているところがありますか。」は英語に訳すと「Were there any grammatical mistakes in the English that I just used?」になります。 上記の質問の中に「英文」は作文ですか? レポートですか? そうでしたら: English paper English essay English report になります。 例えば: Were there any grammatical errors in my English report? Were there any grammatical mistakes in my English essay? それとも書いた英文ではなくて読み上げた英語ですか? その場合: Were there any grammatical errors in the English I just read? Were there any grammatical mistakes in the English I just spoke? 英語頑張りましょう:)
  • How was my English?

  • Did I make any grammatical errors?

*How was my English? If someone asks "how is my English?" they want to know if they structured their sentence correctly. This includes pronunciation, word choice,articles prepositions etc. *Did I make any grammatical errors? This is a direct way of asking. For example: You: Did I make any grammatical errors? Teacher: You did very well. However you need to pronounce "germs" as "jems". Remember the correct preposition is "on" not "at".
*How was my English? もし誰かが"how is my English?" と聞いた場合、彼らは分が正しく構成されていたかを知りたいということです。これは発音、単語の選択、監視や前置詞などが含まれています。 *Did I make any grammatical errors? ー何か文法の間違いを犯しましたか? これは直接的に聞く方法です。 例文です: You: Did I make any grammatical errors? ー私は何か文法の間違いを犯しましたか? Teacher: You did very well. However you need to pronounce "germs" as "jems". Remember the correct preposition is "on" not "at". あなたはとてもよくやりました。 しかし、あなたは"germs" を "jems"のように発音する必要があります。 "at"ではなく"on"が正しい前置詞だということを忘れずにね。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • How was it?

  • Was there anything wrong with what I just said?

How was it? This is a very friendly and informal way of asking if there was anything wrong with what you had said. it is also VERY general and the teacher may in fact reply with an answer that is just as general. Although further clarification may be required it is also a good way to show that you are understanding the native way of speaking. "Was there anything wrong with what I just said?" This is more specific than the phrase above; however it is still general as it does not focus solely on the grammatical side of things.
How was it?(どうでしたか) これは、自分の言ったことに間違いがなかったか確認する非常にフレンドリーでインフォーマルな言い方です。これは非常に漠然とした質問なので、漠然とした答えしか返ってこないかもしれません。より詳しく説明してもらいたい場合もあるでしょうが、ネイティブの話し方を知っていることが相手に伝わる言い方です。 "Was there anything wrong with what I just said?"(今言ったことに何か間違いはありましたか) これは上の例より具体的です。それでも、文法的なことについては言及していないので、曖昧さもあります。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Was that sentence grammatically correct?

  • Were there any grammar mistakes in that sentence?

Yes, it is great to have any grammar errors mentioned immediately so that you may check alternative correct forms and better understand for the future. Grammatically correct - "Grammatically correct" means that something (writing or speaking) follows the rules of grammar. For example: 'He go to the store'' (incorrect grammar) He goes to the store"" (grammatically correct).
そうですね。すぐに文法の間違いを言ってもらえれば、正しい形をチェックすることができるので、今後さらに理解を深めることができます。 "Grammatically correct"(文法的に正しい)は、ライティングやスピーキングで、文法のルールに従っているという意味です。 例文: He go to the store (incorrect grammar) 彼はお店に行く(間違った文法) He goes to the store (grammatically correct) 彼はお店に行く(正しい文法)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Did I mess up at all?

  • Did I make any mistakes?

  • Please correct me if what I said was wrong.

mess up - this means to make a mess, in this case to make a mistake or error A. Did I mess that up? I'm so sorry. B. No worries, you didn't. I can easily fix it. A. Ok, well I'm sorry again for my mishap.
"mess up" (間違える) - これは、汚す、めちゃくちゃにするという意味ですが、ここでは間違えるという意味になります。 【例文】 A. Did I mess that up? I'm so sorry. (私間違えました?すみません) B. No worries, you didn't. I can easily fix it. (大丈夫ですよ。簡単に直すことが出来ますから) A. Ok, well I'm sorry again for my mishap. (はい。お手数をおかけしてすみません)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Did I say that correctly?

  • Did I make any grammar mistakes?

  • Did I say anything incorrectly?

This is a way of asking if you have done something correctly and if not what mistakes did you make so that your teacher can correct and you know how to say it correctly next time.
Nicole Le DMM英会話講師
  • Did I make any grammatical errors in that sentence?

  • Did I make any mistakes in my English?

If you do or say something wrong then this is called a 'mistake' or 'error' so you could simply ask 'did i make any mistakes in my English' if it was a certain sentence then you can ask 'in this/that sentence'
間違ったことをしたり言ったりすることは 'mistake' あるいは 'error' といいます。 ですから、シンプルに 'did I make any mistakes in my English'(何か英語に間違いはありましたか)と言えます。 特定の文について聞くなら、'in this/that sentence' とできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Did you notice any mistakes?

  • Was everything okay?

"Did you notice any mistakes?" This is a causal question asking whether any 'mistakes'/anything wrong. To 'notice' something is to see/observe/inspect/spot etc. ex. "I noticed that there was 3 dogs in the park" "Was everything okay?" A general and casual question, used in many contexts', this question can be used to ask if everything/anything is okay/good, ex. "Was everything okay with my English pronunciation in today's lesson?", "Was everything okay at work today?" etc..
"Did you notice any mistakes?"(何か間違いはありましたか?) これは、間違いがあったかどうか確認するカジュアルな言い方です。 'notice' は「見る/気付く/見つける」という意味です。 例えば: "I noticed that there was 3 dogs in the park" (公園には犬が3匹いました) "Was everything okay?"(問題はありませんでしたか?) 一般的でカジュアルな質問です。いろいろな場面で使われます。問題がなかったかどうか確認する言い方です。 例えば: "Was everything okay with my English pronunciation in today's lesson?" (今日のレッスンの私の英語の発音はどうでしたか?) "Was everything okay at work today?" (今日は仕事は問題なかったの?)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Did I make any grammatical mistakes?

  • Were there any grammatical errors in the sentence I just said?

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・Did I make any grammatical mistakes? 文法の間違いは何かありましたか? ・Were there any grammatical errors in the sentence I just said? 今話した英文に文法の間違いはありましたか? grammatical で「文法の」を英語で表現することができます。 grammar と言えば「文法」になります。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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