There are people who are off from tomorrow and the day after tomorrow
There are people who are on break from tomorrow and those who are on break from the day after tomorrow
最初の言い方は、There are people who are off from tomorrow and the day after tomorrow は、明日から休みの人もいれば、明後日から休みの人もいると言う意味として使われていました。
最初の言い方では、who are off は、休みと言う意味として使われています。
二つ目の言い方は、There are people who are on break from tomorrow and those who are on break from the day after tomorrow は、明日から休みの人もいれば、明後日から休みの人もいると言う意味として使われていました。
二つ目の言い方では、people who are on break は、休みの人と言う意味として使われています。
お役に立ちましたか?^ - ^
Some people are off starting tomorrow and others are off starting the day after.
There are people who are on break from tomorrow and some from the day after.
直訳:If there are people who are on break from tomorrow then there are also people who are on break from the day after tomorrow also.
- Some people are off starting tomorrow and others are off starting the day after.
- There are people who are on break from tomorrow and some from the day after.
もうGolden Weekに入った人も、そうでない人も、仕事によって様々です。
- There are people who are already on their Golden Week break and some who are not - it all varies depending on the job.