"The day after tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment."
"I have a doctor's appointment in 2 days."
"Two days from now I will be going abroad."
A: When is your next English lesson?
B: The day after tomorrow./In 2 days./Two days from now.
"The day after tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment."
"I have a doctor's appointment in 2 days."
"Two days from now I will be going abroad."
A: When is your next English lesson?
B: The day after tomorrow./In 2 days./Two days from now.
明後日 (2日後)です。
What are you doing the day after tomorrow?
I have school tomorrow but not the day after tomorrow.
---> If something happens after a particular date or event, it happens during the period of time that follows that date or event.
"The day after tomorrow."
I will go to school the day after tomorrow.
It is my birthday the day after tomorrow.
I will attend a wedding ceremony the day after tomorrow.
---> 何かが特定の日または出来事の後に起こる場合、それはその日または出来事の後の期間に起こるということです。
"The day after tomorrow."(明後日)
I will go to school the day after tomorrow.
It is my birthday the day after tomorrow.
I will attend a wedding ceremony the day after tomorrow.
in two days time - this means in two days
A. When are you going to Canada?
B. My flight is the day after tomorrow. Can you bring me to the airport, or are you busy?
A. Sure, I can. I'll see you here in 2 days time.
"in two days time"(二日後)
- これは二日後と言う意味です。
A. When are you going to Canada?
B. My flight is the day after tomorrow. Can you bring me to the airport, or are you busy?
A. Sure, I can. I'll see you here in 2 days time.
I won't see you till thursday...that's the day after tomorrow!
The day after tomorrow...is lterally that;-) and is an often used expression...
So people will know what you mean...(but I always add the day or date to be clear)
I won't see you till Thursday...that's the day after tomorrow!
"The day after tomorrow"…が文字通り明後日です。よく使われる表現です。
なのであなたの意図を他の人は問題なく理解できるでしょう。(しかし私はいつもthe dayやdateを付け、明確にします。)
"I won't see you till Thursday...that's the day after tomorrow!"
explains that is is not
not tomorrow
but the day after tomorrow
monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday
so the day after monday is tuesday
the day after tomorrow if its Monday would be Wednesday
その日が月曜なら"the day after tomorrow" (明後日)は水曜です。
明後日は「the day after tomorrow」といいます。
・おととい: the day before yesterday/2 days ago
・明後日:the day after tomorrow
The day after tomorrow=直訳すると明日の後の日となり 明後日を意味します。
明日 tomorrow
今日 today
昨日 yesterday
一昨日 the day before yesterday
ある日から前は〇days before,〇days earlierと表し、後は〇days after, 〇days laterといいます。例えば2日前は 2days before, 2days earlier 3日後は3days after, 3days later
This explains not today not tomorrow but the day after that.
Example -
A - We go on holiday the day after tomorrow.
B - What day will that be?
A - So if today is Monday we wont be going tomorrow which is Tuesday we will be leaving the day after tomorrow which will be Wednesday.
A - We go on holiday the day after tomorrow.
B - What day will that be?
A - So if today is Monday we wont be going tomorrow which is Tuesday we will be leaving the day after tomorrow which will be Wednesday.
日本語の「明後日」をそのまま英語に訳すと「the day after tomorrow」になります。
「the day after tomorrow」は「明後日」という意味です。
I'm leaving the day after tomorrow.
How about the day after tomorrow?
Days may be broken down to a smaller measurement such as hours - for dramartic effect or precision.
"The scenes in the film alternated between 12 hours in the past and 48 hours in th future."
The most common reference for this day would be: "The day after tomorrow."
Another very common way would be by saying: "This ____ day," depending on what the name of the day is. For example, "Let's go to the cinema this Thursday." Some people also add the word 'coming' to indicate the Thursday which follows the day of this conversation:
"We could meet up this coming Friday."
"The scenes in the film alternated between 12 hours in the past and 48 hours in th future."
最も一般的な言い方は、"The day after tomorrow"です。
もう一つのとても一般的な言い方は、"This ____ day"で、その曜日によります。例えば、"Let's go to the cinema this Thursday."(今週木曜映画に行こうよ。) また、'coming'という単語を付け加えて、この会話の後の木曜だということを示す人もいます。
"We could meet up this coming Friday."
"The day after tomorrow" explains most clearly that you are referring to the day following tomorrow.
"two days from now" counts how many days from the current day e.g. If today is Monday, 2 days from now would be Wednesday.
"The day after tomorrow"は、明後日という意味です。
"two days from now"は、その日から数えて2日後ということです。 もし今日が月曜なら、2日後は水曜日となります。
「明後日」は英語で「the day after tomorrow」と言いますが、「in two days’ time」という言い方も使えます。
My birthday is the day after tomorrow.
He’s coming to Japan in two days’ time.
The day after tomorrow is a holiday.
Are you free the day after tomorrow? Let’s go out.
明後日は英語でthe day after tomorrowが普通です。Two days from nowとも言いますが、
two days from nowは厳密に言うと「明後日」より「二日後」という意味です。
I have to leave the day after tomorrow
The school festival is the day after tomorrow
Are you free the day after tomorrow
There is no exact term for the day after tomorrow we simply say 'the day after tomorrow' although you can also say 'in 2 days time' or '2 days from now'
「明後日」を表す特定の単語はありません、シンプルに 'the day after tomorrow' といいます。
他に、'in 2 days time' や '2 days from now' という言い方もあります。
一般的に使われるのは"the day after tomorrow"です。(映画のタイトルにもありますね)
例文:"What will you be doing the day after tomorrow? If you are free, let's go see a movie or something. "「明後日は何をしていますか?もし時間があったら、映画でも観に行きませんか?」
"Two days from now"または"two days from today"「今日から二日目」、「今から二日目」という表現もできます。
You have today, and then the next day will be tomorrow, and the day after that you have the day after tomorrow.
Today (now)
Tomorrow (the next day in the future)
The day after tomorrow (the next next day in the future)
For example
What are you doing today?
I am busy.
What about tomorrow?
I have loads of work to do.
What about the day after tomorrow?
I should be free, I'll call you.
I hope that helps.
Have a great day.
明後日は英語で the day after tomorrow となります。
tomorrow が明日で、the day after はその次の日を表しています。
1) What are you doing the day after tomorrow?
2) Do you want to go see a movie with me the day after tomorrow?
ちなみにおとといは英語で the day before yesterday や two days ago となります。
「明後日」はthe day after tomorrowと言いますm(__)m
もしくは、その表現を知らなければ、in two days「2日後に」と言えば良いですね♪
the day before yesterday「一昨日」
the week before last「先々週」
the month before last「先々月」
the year before last「一昨年」
the day after tomorrow「明後日」
the week after next 「再来週」
the month after next「再来月」
the year after next「再来年」