世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




2週間ほど旅行に行くため、英会話レッスンをお休みします。 旅行に行く旨はすでに伝えており、念のため、前日のレッスンの時に ・(旅行にいくので)明日から(しばらく)休みます と言いたいのですが、100%決定していることに対しても will , be going toは使うのでしょうか? また、明日からは from tomorrow starting tomorrowになるのでしょうか?
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2018/01/18 10:59
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  • Starting tomorrow, I will be taking a vacation for a while.

  • Tomorrow I will be going on vaction, so I won’t be attending lessons for about 2 weeks.

「[明日](から」を直訳すると “from tomorrow”となりますが、実はあまり言いません!"starting tomorrow”か、普通の”Tomorrow”は自然でいいと思います。 旅行に行くというところ、明日から行くから未来形となり、”I will”が正しくて、その旅行に行ってる状態がしばらく続くので、”be taking”か”be going on”を追加して一番自然かと思います! Starting tomorrow, I will be taking a vacation for a while. 「[しばらく](」とは”for a while”になりますが、どのくらい長い期間か現れていないので、期間がきっかり決まっていない場合によく使われています。もう旅行に行く予定のことを話しているから、言っても全然問題がありませんが、この場合は念のためにもう一度言っておきたいので、その2週間ほどの期間のことも、授業をしばらくお休みすることも、#2のように言った方がいいと思います! Tomorrow I will be going on vacation, so I won’t be attending lessons for about 2 weeks.
JohnO 英語教師
  • I will be on holiday/vacation from tomorrow.

  • I will be away for the next two week so will not be taking any lessons.

"I will be on holiday/vacation from tomorrow." This explains to the teacher that you will be away so will not be having lessons. "I will be away for the next two week so will not be taking any lessons." This explains to the teacher how long you will be away for and that during that time you will not be taking lessons.
"I will be on holiday/vacation from tomorrow." (明日からお休みを取ります) これは先生に明日から[出かける](ので[しばらく](レッスンは休むという事を説明しています。 "I will be away for the next two week so will not be taking any lessons." (2週間旅行に出かけるのでレッスンをお休みします) これは先生にあなたが出かける期間とその間レッスンを休むという事を説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I am going on vacation tomorrow

  • I am going on holiday tomorrow

I am going on vacation tomorrow I am going on holiday tomorrow I will be absent for 2 weeks starting tomorrow as I am going on vacation I will be absent for 2 weeks starting tomorrow as I am going on holiday
I am going on vacation tomorrow 明日旅行に行きます。 I am going on holiday tomorrow 明日休暇にはいります。 I will be absent for 2 weeks starting tomorrow as I am going on vacation 休暇のため、明日から2週間休みます。 I will be absent for 2 weeks starting tomorrow as I am going on holiday 休暇のため、明日から2週間休みます。
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • I will not be here tomorrow, I am taking a holiday.

  • I will be taking some time off from learning tomorrow because I am going on vacation.

  • I will be going on vacation tomorrow so i am taking time off from learning English.

All of these sentences convey that said person is taking time off form learning English due to the fact that they are going on vacation.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • I'll be taking a break from English lessons whilst on holiday with immediate effect

You are participating in an English lesson and will not be taking any more lessons for a while as you are going on holiday. "With immediate effect" means 'from this moment'.
英会話に参加していて、休暇をとるためにしばらくレッスンを受けないということですね。 "With immediate effect"とは、 今からという意味です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'll be on holidays from tomorrow and will taking a break from my lessons.

  • I won't be taking lessons while I'm on holiday starting tomorrow.

1) I'll be on holiday from tomorrow and will taking a break from my lessons. In this sentence taking a break indicates that you will only stop taking lessons for a short time and then be back again after your holiday. 2) I won't be taking lessons while I'm on holiday starting tomorrow. This sentence indicates that because you are on holiday you will not take any lessons.
1) I'll be on holiday from tomorrow and will taking a break from my lessons. (明日から休暇なので、レッスンを休みます) この「take a break」は、レッスンを短期間休む(休暇が終わればまた戻る)ことを表します。 --------- 2) I won't be taking lessons while I'm on holiday starting tomorrow. (明日から休暇なのでその間レッスンを休みます) 休暇中はレッスンを休むことを表します。 ---------
Hendrik DMM英会話講師
  • I will not be taking English lessons as from tomorrow because I will be going on vacation for about two weeks.

  • I will be going on vacation as from tomorrow, as a result, I will not be taking English lessons because I would like to be as free as a bird and enjoy.

It's quite understandable that when someone goes on vacation, he/she would like to be as free as a bird. The expression 'as free as a bird' means 'being completely free, with no worries, troubles or encumbrances'. The noun 'encumbrance' means a 'hindrance' or something that hinders you from doing something. So, if you are going on vacation, doing English lessons while there will definitely interfere with your enjoyment. So, you may say to someone: I will not be taking English lessons as from tomorrow because I will be going on vacation for about two weeks. or I will be going on vacation as from tomorrow, as a result, I will not be taking English lessons because I would like to be as free as a bird and enjoy.
休暇に入ると、鳥のように自由になりたいというのはかなり理解できます。  'as free as a bird'とは、心配事、トラブル、邪魔なものがなく完全に自由であるという意味です。 名詞'encumbrance'は、 妨害、またはあなたの邪魔をするものという意味です。ですので、休暇に入るなら、その間の英会話はあなたの楽しみを妨げるものとなるでしょう。 例: I will not be taking English lessons as from tomorrow because I will be going on vacation for about two weeks. 約2週間、休暇に入るので明日から英語のレッスンをお休みします。   I will be going on vacation as from tomorrow, as a result, I will not be taking English lessons because I would like to be as free as a bird and enjoy. 明日から休暇をとり、自由に楽しみたいので英語のレッスンをお休みします。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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