"I need a birth certificate drawn up by the doctor who was present at the time of the birth."
- "I need a birth certificate drawn up by the doctor who was present at the time of the birth." 「出産に立ち会った医師作成の出産証明書が必要」
"I need~" 「〜が必要」
"a birth certificate" 「出産証明書」・「出生証明書」
"drawn up" 「作成した」
"the doctor who was present~" 「立ち会った医師」
"at the time of the birth" 「出産に」
"In order for my child to acquire Japanese citizenship~" 「 こどもの日本国籍取得のため〜」
"to acquire Japanese citizenship" 「日本国籍取得」
"~ and would it be possible to have a copy written in Japanese as well?" 「と日本語で書かれてるのでお願いできますか?」