Recently, due to the weather being unstable, seasonal rain fronts are stimulated resulting in training leading to heavy rains.
Also, training happens one after the other which leads to continuous heavy rain in turn increasing the probability of landslides.
Recently, due to the weather being unstable, seasonal rain fronts are stimulated resulting in training leading to heavy rains. Also, training happens one after the other which leads to continuous heavy rain in turn increasing the probability of landslides.
ご質問いただきありがとうございます。「線状降水帯」は英語では 'band of rainfall' というフレーズで表現されます。意味は、特定の領域に長さ方向に降水が連続することを指しています。
最近の気候変動について説明するとき、以下のような文章を作ることができます。「Recently, due to climate change, there has been an increase in the occurrence of bands of rainfall. These are stimulated by the monsoon front, causing heavy rain. Furthermore, these bands of rainfall occur one after another, resulting in persistent heavy rains that increase the risk of landslides.」