世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/08/08 08:57
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  • We don’t have any identical words for that in Japanese.

  • We don't have any suitable/proper expressions for that phrase in Japanese.

「ぴったりの表現」ですが、 「identical words」 「suitable expressions」 「proper expressions」 などで表現してみました。 補足して、「その言葉に対する」という「for that(phrase)」 という表現も具体的に入れておりますが、 この「that」の箇所には、 具体的に聞きたい言葉を入れて頂いても大丈夫です。 ご参考にされて下さいね☆
  • There is no exact translation for this word in Japanese.

  • We don't have any right translated word for this in Japanese.

「There is no exact translation for this word in Japanese.」 (その単語に対して、的確な訳の日本語が無いです) We don't have any right translated word for this in Japanese. (ぴったりの言い回しが日本語にありません。) 「exact translation」的確な訳 「right translated word」ぴったりな言い回し というふうになります。
  • There is no equivalent phrase

  • There is no direct translation

  • That doesn't translate very accurately (in Japanese/English)

Any of these phrases is adequate explanation.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • There is no exact translation for that expression in Japanese.

  • These words/That expression can't be translated directly into Japanese.

There is no exact translation for that expression in Japanese. There is no〜:〜がない exact translation:的確な翻訳  →より質問者様の意図に忠実な表現かなと思います。 These words/That expression can't be translated directly into Japanese. この言葉/表現はそのまま日本語に翻訳することができません。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • No word/phrase can perfectly express it in English.

  • There is no exact words to perfectly express

You can use the following expressions to express yourself: no exact words/phrases no perfect words/phrases no identical words/phrases
"以下の表現を使って言い表すことができます。 No exact words/phrases no perfect words/phrases no identical words/phrases"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • There is no exact translation for that in Japanese

  • That cannot be translated from English to Japanese word for word.

1. There is no exact translation for that in Japanese:- This means that it cannot be translated exactly from one language to another. 2. That cannot be translated from English to Japanese word for word:- A word for word translation from one language to another means that if I say something in one language, there is an exact word in the other language for every word that I spoke in the first language. Sometimes, it is impossible to translate word for word from one language to another.
"1.There is no exact translation for that in Japanese :ー これは、他の言語からほかの言語にきっちり訳すことが出来ないという意味です。 2.That cannot be translated from English to Japanese word for word. A word for word translation from one language to anotherとは、言った言葉きっちりと一つの言語から他の言語に正確に訳すという意味です。 時々、一つの言語から他の言語に全く正確に訳すことは無理な事があります。"
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • This expression cannot really be translated into English

  • There is no word/phrase that captures the meaning of this phrase/word enough to translate

When you're explaining that it would be almost impossible to translate (directly) a phrase/word, then you can say: -This expression cannot really be translated into English -There is no word/phrase that captures the meaning of this phrase/word enough to translate -This would be hard to translate from language into another.
何かを確実に、そのまま翻訳することが不可能なことを伝えるフレーズです。 -This expression cannot really be translated into English この表現は、英語に確実に翻訳することができません。 -There is no word/phrase that captures the meaning of this phrase/word enough to translate このフレーズ/言葉をしっかり翻訳できるフレーズ/言葉がありません。 -This would be hard to translate from language into another. これは、翻訳するのが難しい。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • We don't have the same word in Japanese.

  • This word can't be translated perfectly into Japanese.

  • We don't have a similar expression in Japanese.

We can say that we, "don't have the same word," or that with a certain expression, "we don't have a similar expression," to show that maybe there isn't a perfect translation. In addition we can talk more about the translation itself by saying, "this word can't be translated perfectly."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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