After receiving her 2nd vaccine she didn't feel well for 2-3 days so she couldn't do much housework.
I was given the advice that if you end up getting the vaccine it's better to stock up on food.
「(彼女は)2回目のワクチン後、体調不良で2,3日家事ができなかった」は英語で「After receiving her 2nd vaccine she didn't feel well for 2-3 days so she couldn't do much housework.」と言えます。
また、「なので食料を買いだめしてからワクチン接種した方がいいよとアドバイスしてくれた。」にも英訳すれば、「I was given the advice that if you end up getting the vaccine it's better to stock up on food.」になります。
After my second shot, I was feeling sick and couldn't do any housework.
After my second shot, I was feeling sick and couldn't do any housework.
友人が言った台詞をそのまま訳した設定なので、主語は I にしました。