- "Could you tilt the fan so that it's facing up."
"could you ~" 「〜て」・「〜をしてくれる」"can you ~" も使えまます。
"to tilt" 「傾ける」
"tilt the fan" 「扇風機を傾けて」
"so that it's facing up" 「上に向けるように」"facing" の代わりに "pointing" も使えます。
- "yeah, that's good." 「そうそれはいい」・「そのくらい」
Can you aim the fan up in the air a bit? About like that is perfect.
ーCan you point the fan upwards? That's good.
to point the fan upwards で「扇風機を上に向ける」
ーCan you aim the fan up in the air a bit? About like that is perfect.
to aim the fan up in the air a bit で「扇風機を少し上に向ける」