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「心ゆくまで遊ぶ」は play to one's heart's content を使って言うのが一般的でしょうか。
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2016/08/12 08:09
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  • Students in America don't have to do their homework during summer vacation, so they can hang out with their friends as much as they want.

きっとこの日本語の訳しにくいところは、 「こころゆくまで遊ぶことができる」という部分なのかなと思います。 まず、「こころゆくまで」は "as much as" を使って訳してみます。 例えば、"as much as they want" といった風にです。 そして、「遊ぶことができる」ですが、 僕だったら "play" よりも "hang out with their friends" を使います。 きっと、僕たちが普段使ってる「遊ぶ」の感覚により近いフレーズです。 友達と会って、ご飯に行ったり、カラオケに行ったりするあの感じですね。 ぜひ参考にしてみてください(*^^*)
Tetsuya Ueda 英語講師 / ブロガー
  • In the USA, school students do not have homework over summer. They can play to their heart's content.

  • School students in the USA do not get homework over summer. They can play as much as they want.

ご指摘の通り、one's heart contentは「心ゆくまで」の対訳になります。今回の文では、school studentsが主語なので、their heart's content になるかと思います。
ご指摘の通り、one's heart contentは「心ゆくまで」の対訳になります。今回の文では、school studentsが主語なので、複数形のtheir heart's content になるかと思います。
Florin  翻訳・通訳
  • During the USA summer vacation kids have no homework whatsoever!

  • US summer vacation is a homework-free zone!

" whatsoever.." We use this phrase when we want to stress that there is nothing or this item has gone "When I got to the filling station I was told there was no petrol whatsoever.' "A _______-free zone" You can insert any noun in this phrase when talking about an area where something or someone may not go. "Sorry madam, this is a smoke-free zone. There is a designated smoking area outside.:"
" whatsoever.." このフレーズは何もない、または何かが無くなってしまったことを強調するときに使います。 "When I got to the filling station I was told there was no petrol whatsoever.' ガソスタにいったら、ガソリンなんてないよって言われたよ。 "A _______-free zone" ここに名詞をいれて、何か、または誰かが入れない、またはないときにこういう表現を使えます。 "Sorry madam, this is a smoke-free zone. There is a designated smoking area outside.:"すみません、ここは禁煙です。外に喫煙所があります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Students in the USA don't get homework during the summer vacation so can enjoy themselves instead

  • Students in USA don't get homework so can relax and enjoy the summer break

The time off school in the summer can be called 'summer vacation' or 'summer break' Students are people that attend school/college to learn or get qualifications In the USA (America) they do not get homework during the summer
学校の夏休みは 'summer vacation' または 'summer break' と言えます。 'student' とは、勉強したり資格を取るために学校/大学に通う人をいいます。 アメリカでは夏休みには宿題が出ません。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Students in the USA get to spend summer hanging out with their friends instead of doing homework.

  • Students in the USA are not given summer vacation homework so they do what they want during holidays.

"Students in the USA get to spend summer hanging out with their friends instead of doing homework." get to = to be free to do something' to be allowed to do something "Students in the USA are not given summer vacation homework so they do what they want during holidays." This means at school policies in the USA don't require students to be given vacation homework.
"Students in the USA get to spend summer hanging out with their friends instead of doing homework."アメリカの学生は夏休みには宿題をする代わりに友達とぶらぶらして過ごすことが許されています。 get to = to be free to do something' to be allowed to do something~するのが自由、~するのが許可されている、 "Students in the USA are not given summer vacation homework so they do what they want during holidays."アメリカの学生は夏休みの宿題がないので休みの間好きなことをして過ごします This means at school policies in the USA don't require students to be given vacation homework.これはアメリカでは学生に夏休みの宿題を与えるポリシーがないという意味です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • A) Students from USA do not receive any homework during their summer vacation so they have a lot of free time to do as they please

  • B) No homework is given to students from USA during their summer vacation. They are free to do anything.

A) Students from USA do not receive any homework during their summer vacation so they have a lot of free time to do as they please *Students from USA - Individuals (students) living in the USA *Receive - get *Their -belonging to or associated with the people or things previously mentioned or easily identified. *Do as they please - They can do whatever they feel like doing. B) No homework is given to students from USA during their summer vacation. They are free to do anything. *During -throughout the course or duration of (a period of time). *Given - past particular of give I hope this helps :-)
A) Students from USA do not receive any homework during their summer vacation so they have a lot of free time to do as they pleaseアメリカの生徒は夏休みの宿題はありませんからたくさんの自由時間があり好きなことができます。 *Students from USA - アメリカに住む生徒、学生 *Receive - get 得る *Their -以前に言及された人、ものの所有を表す *Do as they please - They can do whatever they feel like doing.好きなことを好きなだけする B) No homework is given to students from USA during their summer vacation. They are free to do anything.アメリカの学生は夏休み中は宿題はありません。彼らは好きなことをなんでも自由にできます。 *During -~のあいだ *Given - もらう、あたえられる 参考になると幸いです
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Students in the USA have a lot of free time during their summer vacation.

  • Students in the USA can spend their summer vacation socializing instead of doing homework.

You can use any of these statements to describe the above situation:- 1. Students in the USA have a lot of free time during their summer vacation. The expression "free time" means time that you are not working, studying or doing homework, and can be spent doing things that you enjoy. 2. Students in the USA can spend their summer vacation socializing instead of doing homework. The word "socializing' means to mix or interact with others.
"これらの表現を使って上記の状況を言い表すことができます。 1.Students in the USA have a lot of free time during their summer vacation. この""free time""とは、働いてもいなければ、勉強してるわけでもなく、 宿題をしてるわけでもないので好きなことをして過ごしているという意味です。 2. Students in the USA can spend their summer vacation socializing instead of doing home work. この""socializing""という言葉は、人々と交流するという意味です。"
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
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