世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/08/15 15:48
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  • Can my wife come with me?

  • Is it okay if my wife comes too?

入国審査の現場を考えると、「一緒にいいですか?」とは「一緒に行ってもいいですか?」という意味ですね。動詞は come で伝わります。(いつも、状況から判断してどんな動詞が使えるか考えてみることが大切です) 英訳1:Can my wife come with me?「私と一緒に妻が行くのは可能ですか?」 英訳2:Is it okay if my wife comes too?「妻も行ってOKですか?」 どうしても咄嗟に文章にできなければ、ふたつのポイント、OK? と with my wife? を続けて言ってもなんとかなるでしょう。でも、なるべく例文1か2を try してみてください。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • Can I come with my wife? She doesn't speak English.

  • Can we come together?

Can I come with my wife? She doesn't speak English. 妻もいっしょにいいですか?彼女は英語を話さないもので。 Can we come together? 一緒にいいですか? 奥様をジェスチャーでさしてこういえば、伝わります。
  • My wife doesn't speak English. Can she come with me?

  • Can my wife come with me because she doesn't speak English?

"Is it ok if my wife comes with me because she doesn't speak English?" "Can we go together because she doesn't speak English?"
英語を話すことができないので、妻も一緒に来ていいですか? 妻は英語が喋れないので一緒にいってもいいですか?
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • "Please may I accompany my wife to translate for her?"

As you are in an official environment and important setting, it is best to use formal language. Open with the adverb 'please', this shows respect and also that you are most likely to ask a question. 'Accompany' is a formal way of saying 'to go with'. Conclude the question with "translate for her?", this explains why you need to accompany her. In many airports, the immigration desk can only be approached by one person at a time, and there will be a line that you must stand behind while the person completes their immigration check. I suggest you approach the immigration desk first, before your wife, and ask this question while motioning with an open hand in the direction of your wife, who is still waiting in the queue.
オフィシャルな場や重要な場にいるときは、フォーマルな言葉を使うのが最適です。 'please'で始めることで、敬意をもって今から質問するということを表します。 'Accompany' は'to go with'のフォーマルな言い方で、付き添う、同行するという意味です。   "translate for her?"を文末にもってくることで、なぜ彼女と同行する必要があるのかを説明できます。 多くの空港では、入国審査は一度に一人で、前の人が終わるまで、ラインのところで待っていないといけません。奥さんの前に入国審査のブースのところに行き、後ろで待っている奥さんの通訳をしてもいいか聞いてみるといいでしょう。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Can my wife come with?

  • Is it okay if my wife comes too?

You can use the above sentences to express yourself.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Can I help my wife because she doesn't speak English?

  • May we come together as my wife doesn't speak English?

  • Could you see us together due to my wife not speaking English, please?

Any of these expressions should suffice for this scenario.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Is it okay if my wife comes with me?

  • Can my wife come with me?

  • Can my wife come with me as she cannot speak English?

Is it okay if my wife comes with me? Can my wife come with me? Can my wife come with me as she cannot speak English? *You can also say:* *My wife doesn't speak English, can she come with me? *She doesn't speak English, is it okay if my wife comes with me? *As my wife doesn't speak English is it alright if she stays with me? *Can I come with my wife, she doesn't speak English so can I translate for her? Hope this helps!! ^ ^
Is it okay if my wife comes with me? 妻が一緒に来てもいいですか? Can my wife come with me? 妻が一緒に来てもいいですか? Can my wife come with me as she cannot speak English? 妻は英語を話すことができないので、私と一緒に来てもいいですか?    また、以下のように言うこともできます。 *My wife doesn't speak English, can she come with me? 私の妻は英語を話しません。私と一緒に来てもいいですか? *She doesn't speak English, is it okay if my wife comes with me? 妻は英語を話さないので、一緒に来てもいいですか? *As my wife doesn't speak English is it alright if she stays with me? 妻は英語を話さないので、一緒にいてもいいですか? *Can I come with my wife, she doesn't speak English so can I translate for her? 妻と一緒に来てもいいですか。英語を話さないので、通訳してもいいですか?
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • Can my wife come with me, please?

  • Do you mind if my wife joins me?

If you are in any situation where you would like someone to join you but you need to ask if it is possible, you can use one of these sentences to help you out. For example. Could you come with my sir? Of course. Do you mind if my wife joins me? I will have to ask, and get back to you. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Can my wife come with me?

ご質問ありがとうございます。 Can my wife come with me? のように英語で表現することができます。 come with me は「一緒に来る」というニュアンスの英語表現です。 例: Is it OK if my wife comes with me? 私の妻も一緒にいいですか? お役に立ちましたでしょうか? 英語学習頑張ってくださいね!
  • Is it OK if my wife comes with me?

次のように英語で表現することができます: Is it OK if my wife comes with me? 妻も一緒に来てもいいですか? Is it OK if ... は「〜しても大丈夫ですか」という意味を持つ英語表現です。 ほかに: My wife can't speak English. Can she come with me? 私の妻は英語が話せません。一緒に来てもいいですか? ぜひ参考にしてください。 また何かありましたらいつでも質問してください。
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