"While studying for Eiken Pre-2, I want 〇〇 to study daily conversation as well.
- "While studying for Eiken Pre-2, I want 〇〇 to study daily conversation as well.
"While studying for Eiken Pre-2" 「英検準2級の勉強をしつつ」
"while ~" 「〜つつ」
"studying for Eiken Pre-2" 「英検準2級の勉強する」"while studing for eiken" や "while studying for pre-2" も家ます。
"I want 〇〇 to study daily conversation as well" 「日常会話も勉強したい」
"I want 〇〇 to study ~" 「〇〇が〜を勉強してほしい」
〇〇の代わりに息子の名前や "him" を言います。"I want him to study ~"
"daily conversation" 「日常会話」
"as well" 「も」