I set my air-conditionner to automatically turn off three hours later but it was still on after I woke up.
I set my air-conditionner's off timer at three hours but when I woke up next morning it was still on.
I set my air-conditionner to auto turn off after three hours but when I woke up next morning it was still on.
「it was still on」を使っています。直訳: 「まだ付いていた」
「set ... turn off」と言っていますので、「it was not turned off」を使えば重複になります。
「set to turn off」したのに、「still on」という、
I set the air conditioner to turn off in 3 hours, but it was still on when I woke up.
I set the air conditioner to turn off in 3 hours, エアコンを3時間後にオフに設定しましたが、
but it was still on when I woke up. 起きたときにはまだついていました。
I set the timer on my AC to go off in three hours, but it was still on when I woke up this morning.
ーI set the timer on my AC to go off in three hours, but it was still on when I woke up this morning.
to set the timer「タイマーを設定する」
to go off in three hours「3時間後に止まる・切れる」