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2016/08/20 23:16
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  • Prescription

  • I was prescribed

Pick up my prescription 処方箋をもらいにいく ここでおまけとして処方箋でないコンビニ、薬局で買える薬は OTC Over the counter カウンター越しに買える薬
ALPHA English 英会話カフェ
  • Pick up at prescription.

  • Grab a prescription.

  • Before I can fill my medicine, I have to get another prescription.

When you need to have medicine refilled, you can use: - Pick up my prescription (medicine). - Grab my prescription (medicine). You do not have to say (medicine), it is understood that is what you are talking about. In this case, prescription is a noun that means "prescription medicine." If you need to see a doctor before the medicine can be refilled, you can use: - Before I can fill my medicine, I have to get another prescription. In this case, the prescription is the actual paper that you take to the pharmacy for the medicine.
薬が切れて処方して欲しい場合は: - Pick up my prescription (medicine). - Grab my prescription (medicine). prescriptionで薬のことを指していることがわかるのでわざわざ薬(medicine)という必要はありません。 この場合は名詞が "prescription medicine."です。 薬を処方してもらう前に医者にみてもらいたい場合は: - Before I can fill my medicine, I have to get another prescription. この場合、処方箋は薬局で薬をもらうための紙です。
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • get a prescription in the hospital

Reina Ueda さくらランゲージインスティテュート/代表 企業研修講師
  • Collecting my prescription

  • Being given a prescription by the doctor

  • Being prescribed medicine by a doctor

It may be a little confusing, but in the UK, we use the word 'prescription' to mean both the piece of paper the doctor writes out for you detailing which medicine to collect from the pharmacy - and also to mean the medicine that you collect from the pharmacy. So someone might say, for example: "The doctor wrote me out a prescription and I will take it to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription." Or, "The doctor prescribed me ibuprufen tablets. I will go to the pharmacy and given them my prescription. Could you collect my prescription tomorrow, please?"
ちょっとわかりづらいけど、UKではprescriptionとは、医者からもらう処方と、薬局でもらう処方薬、両方を意味します。 そのためこんな風に言うことができます。 会話例 "The doctor wrote me out a prescription and I will take it to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription." 医者が処方箋を書いてくれて、薬局に持って行って、処方薬を受け取るんだ。 または "The doctor prescribed me ibuprufen tablets. I will go to the pharmacy and given them my prescription. Could you collect my prescription tomorrow, please?" 医者がイブプロフェンを処方してくれて、薬局に行って、私の処方箋を渡してきます。明日になったら処方薬とりにいってもらえないかな?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am going to get a prescription from the doctor.

A prescription is an instruction written by a medical practitioner that authorizes a patient to be issued with a medicine or treatment. For example: He scribbled a prescription for tranquillizers.
処方箋は、患者に薬や治療を行うことを許可された医療従事者によって書かれた指示書です。 例えば、 He scribbled a prescription for tranquillizers. 彼は、精神安定のための処方箋を書きました。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I got a prescription from the doctor

  • I got a prescription from the hospital

When a sick person goes to the hospital, or goes to a doctor to seek treatment, he/she gets examined by the doctor in order for him/her to diagnose the type of disease the patient is suffering from. Once the disease has been diagnosed, the doctor writes a note listing the medicines that the patient must get from the hospital's pharmacy or buy from another pharmacy. This note is called a 'prescription'. So, you may say: I got a prescription from the doctor. or I got a prescription from the hospital
病気で医者に行くと、どこが悪いのかを診てもらいますね。病名が分かると、医者は患者が飲まなければならない薬を記した『メモ』を作ります。薬は病院などで受け取ります。この『メモ』を「prescription」と言います。 I got a prescription from the doctor. (お医者さんからprescriptionをもらった) I got a prescription from the hospital (病院からprescriptionをもらった)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I can only get my prescription at the hospital.

  • My medicine is a prescription from my doctor.

I can only get my prescription at the hospital, means that the medicine I need can only be gotten from the hospital. My medicine is a prescription from my doctor, means the medicine that I take to feel better is only available through prescription from a doctor.
"I can only get my prescription at the hospital" (処方薬は病院でしか手に入れることは出来ません) これは、あなたの必要な薬は病院でしか手にいてることが出来無い という意味になります。 "My medicine is a prescription from my doctor" (私の薬はお医者さんが処方してくれた薬です) これは、私の気分を良くしてくれる薬はお医者さんが 処方してくれることによってしか手に入れることは出来ない、 と言う意味になります。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I was prescribed.

  • I got a prescription at the hospital.

We can use the adjective, "prescribed," to talk about when the doctor gives us a note for a particular medicine. In addition we can also use the noun, "a prescription," to discuss that this was something that we got or received.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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