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2016/08/21 15:46
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  • Translation job

翻訳してもらえますか? Could translate this? Could you translate some documents? I have some translating jobs Translationは翻訳で Interpretationは通訳となります 普通はTranslateで両方使えると思います。
ALPHA English 英会話カフェ
  • Could you please translate this for me?

  • Can you translate this for me?

  • I need you to do some translating for me.

"Could you please translate this for me?" asks them to politely translate it for you. "Can you translate this for me?" asks them if they can do it for you. "I need you to do some translating for me." tells them that you need them to translate some stuff for you.
"Could you please translate this for me?" は、翻訳してもらえないかと丁寧に頼む表現。 "Can you translate this for me?" できるかどうかを尋ねる表現。 "I need you to do some translating for me." 自分の為に翻訳をしてくれないか頼む表現。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Are you able to translate this for me?

This is a polite way to ask if they can translate.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Translation please!

Translating is the process of changing one language into another or explaining a word in detail. "Can you please translate something for me, please?" "I have some translating work, I need to have done." "I read a news article, that I need translated, please."
翻訳とは、ある言語を別の言語に変更したり、言葉を詳細に説明するプロセスです。 例 "Can you please translate something for me, please?" "私のために何かを翻訳してくれますか?" "I have some translating work, I need to have done." "私は翻訳の仕事をしており、それを終わらせなききゃいけません。 "I read a news article, that I need translated, please." "私は新しい記事を読みました、翻訳が必要です。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please translate this for me?

  • Can I ask you for translation?

Remember to be polite and that's why I always recommend using the word "could" to make it sound more polite.
丁寧に言うようにしましょう。私はいつも "could" を使うよう勧めています、これを使うと丁寧に表現できます。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Could you do some translation for me, please?

  • 2. Would you translate something for me, please?

  • 3. Are you up for some translation work?

Expressions 1 and 2 are quite normal and polite questions. Expression 3: To be up for something - to be motivated to do something. A "Are you up for going to the cinema tonight?" B "Yes, what a great idea!"
1,2の表現はスタンダードで丁寧な質問です。 3の表現は「...したいですか」「...する気力はあるかい?」と尋ねる表現です。 A:今日映画見に行く元気はあるかい? B:うん!それはいいねっ!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm seeking someone who will be able to translate for me.

This can be seen as a formal or polite way to ask someone to do this type of task for you, and when looking for someone who you will pay to do this for you.
Adrian SC DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like you to do some translation for me please

  • Are you interested in a translation job?

1. I'd like you to do some translation for me please? "I'd" is the contracted form of "I would". This question is politely asking someone to to some translation for you. Translation means the rendering of something into another language or into one's own from another language. 2. Are you interested in a translation job? This statement is asking whether the person has any intention of doing the translation job.
1. I'd like you to do some translation for me please? (翻訳をお願いできますか?) "I'd"とは "I would"の省略形です。 この質問は翻訳をお願いしたいと丁寧に尋ねる表現です。 "Translation"とは一つの言語から別の言語へ翻訳する事を意味します。 2. Are you interested in a translation job? (翻訳の仕事に興味がありますか?) この表現は、翻訳の仕事に興味があるかどうかと尋ねる表現になります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I need this translated, please can you help me?

  • Are you able to translate this, please?

  • How do I say this in (language)?

Use the sentences above to ask about translation or to ask someone to translate for you. Translation involves changing words from one language to another. Different types of materials can be translated, songs, documents or even speeches, books are usually published in many different languages so that they can reach people all over the world. "How do I say this in Spanish?" "Are you able to translate this document to English, please?" "Please check if these translations are correct?"
相手に翻訳をお願いするときの言い方です。 "Translation"(翻訳)は、言葉をある言語から別の言語に訳すことをいいます。 翻訳する対象はさまざまですね。例えば、歌・文書・スピーチなど。 本は普通世界中の人に読んでもらえるようさまざまな言語に訳されます。 "How do I say this in Spanish?"(これはスペイン語ではどう言いますか) "Are you able to translate this document to English, please?"(この文書を英語に訳してもらえますか) "Please check if these translations are correct?"(翻訳が間違っていないか確認してもらえますか)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Translator

  • Translation job

  • Can you translate this for me?

Translator is the official name of someone or something that translates words or sentences from one language to another. A translation job is the type of work that a translator would do. Here is an example sentence if you just wanted to ask someone to translate something for you : - Can you translate this for me?
"Translator"(翻訳家/翻訳機)は、言葉・文章を別の言語に訳す人または物を指す正式名称です。 "Translation job" は "Translator"(翻訳家)のする仕事をいいます。 誰かに翻訳を頼みたいなら、例えば次のように言えます。 - Can you translate this for me?(これを翻訳してもらえますか)
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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