"There has been a delay due to the customers circumstances and system problems."
- "There has been a delay due to the customers circumstances and system problems."
"There has been a delay" 「延期になりました」
"due to ~" 「〜で」
"the customers circumstances" 「お客様の都合」
"and system problems" 「とシステム上の問題」"a problem with out system" 「我々のシステムの問題」も使えます。
It has been delayed due to the client's circumstances and a system error.
「お客様の都合とシステム上の問題で延期になりました。」は英語で「It has been delayed due to the client's circumstances and a system error.」と言います。「お客様」はよく「customer」で訳されていますが、「client」の方は個人的にプラスなイメージでより品のある言い方だと思います。
It has been delayed due to the client's circumstances and a system error, so I will inform the team members later.