It's easier said than done=言うは易く行うは難し
Actions speak louder than words=行動あるのみ
Talk is cheap=言うのはタダ
Easier said than done = when something seems like a good idea but would be difficult to do
Words are cheap/Talk is cheap = this means it is easier to say you will do something than to actually do it.
You're all talk and no action! = a comment for someone who speaks a lot about his opinions and plans and alternative ways of doing something but who actually does nothing.
Easier said than done = 良いアイディアに聞こえるけど、実際にやるのは難しそうなこと
Words are cheap/Talk is cheap = 実際にやるより、言うことは簡単である、という意味です。
You're all talk and no action! = 何もしないくせに自分の意見だけはたくさん言う人に対して使います。
It's one thing saying it, it's another thing doing it.
Easier said than done' is a very common idiom used in the English language meaning it's easier to speak than to act.
Some things sound very easy when spoken, but can be very hard to put into action. People usually say things that they could never do. For example, someone might say 'if a lion tries to attack me, I would wrestle it and when it gets tired, I will run away' and we can respond with 'easier said than done' which means it's so easy to say you will wrestle a lion, but it's HARD, almost impossible, to put that into action.
You can also use this in a work context when you are planning something and someone comes up with a plan that would be difficult to put in to action.
When we say 'it's one thing saying it, it's another doing it' we simply mean saying something and actually doing something, are two very different actions.
Easier said than done' が、英語で使われる最も一般的なイディオムで、実行するより言うことの方が簡単だという意味です。言うことはとても簡単だけど、実行するとなると難しいことがあるということです。
例えば、ある人が、”ライオンが襲ってこようとしたら、戦って、ライオンが疲れたら、走って逃げるよ”と言うのであれば、'easier said than done' と返答することが出来ます。この文の意味は、ライオンと戦うと言うのは本当に簡単だけど、実行するのは難しい、ほぼ不可能だということです。
'it's one thing saying it, it's another doing it' とは、単に何かを言うことと実際に行動することは、全く別のことだということです。
These are all very popular sayings when someone suggests something that sounds easy but is not actually that simple.
I personally like the last one - I'd like to see you do it. This implies that the other persona actually knows it is a hard thing to do and that is why they have asked you to do it.
Hope this helps
Jane :)
I'd like to see you do it
Easier said than done is said when something seems like a good idea but would be difficult to do.
For example:
A:"Why don't you just ask Simon to pay?"
B:"That's easier said than done."
"Easier said than doneとは、とてもいい考えのようだけど行動するのは難しいという時に使います。
A:""Why don't you just ask Simon to pay?
A: Simonに払うように言ったら?
B: ""That's easier said than done.""
"i went to the gym today, i promised myself to
get fit by next year, but this is easier said than done".
"i need to stay calm with this really difficult client,
but it's easier said than done".
"you know you need to give up smoking,
but it's easier said than done".
"I went to the gym today, I promised myself to
get fit by next year, but this is easier said than done".
"I need to stay calm with this really difficult client,
but it's easier said than done".
"You know you need to give up smoking,
but it's easier said than done".
The most common expression that we would use would be, "easier said than done," using the participle forms of the verbs, to say and to do. However we can also use the gerund forms of the verbs as well with, "saying is easier than doing it."