I like to wash the clothes I wear after I have worn them that same day.
I like to do laundry every day so my clothes don't sit in the laundry basket.
ーI like to wash the clothes I wear after I have worn them that same day.
to wash the clothes で「洗濯する・服を洗う」
same day で「同じ日に」
ーI like to do laundry every day so my clothes don't sit in the laundry basket.
to do laundry で「洗濯をする」
to sit で「そのままである・放置されている」
I'd like to wash the clothes I wore on the same day.
「着た洋服はその日のうちに洗濯したいです」は英語で「I'd like to wash the clothes I wore on the same day.」と言います。「same day」は「その日のうちに」という意味です。
I'd like to wash the clothes I wore on the same day so that stains don't get stuck in them.
I want to wash the clothes I wore today to prevent stains from setting.
I want to wash the clothes I wore today to prevent stains from setting. (着た洋服は、その日のうちに洗濯して汚れが定着しないようにしたいです。)
"wash" は「洗う」という意味で、"the clothes I wore today" は「今日着た服」という意味になります。
そして "to prevent stains from setting" は「汚れが定着するのを防ぐために」という目的を表現しています。