This is his first time being in a group, so he's a bit nervous.
I put a diaper on him today because I wasn't sure if he would let you know when he has to go to the bathroom.
ーI have some concerns about my son.
concern で「心配事」
ーThis is his first time being in a group, so he's a bit nervous.
nervous で「不安な・緊張している」
ーI put a diaper on him today because I wasn't sure if he would let you know when he has to go to the bathroom.
to put a diaper on ... で「…にオムツを履かせる」
to go to the bathroom で「トイレに行く」
「いくつか心配事があります」を英語で表現すると、"I have a few concerns."となります。"I have"が「私には…があります」、「a few」が「いくつか」、「concerns」が「心配事」を意味します。
"I have a few concerns. This is his first time in a group setting, so he's a bit nervous. Also, I'm worried that he might not be able to express his need to use the bathroom properly, so I've put him in a diaper today."
なお、「集団生活」は一般的に「group setting」、「オムツ」は「diaper」という言葉を使います。