"Following idols is what I live for. There's no rewards but that doesn't matter to me."
- "Following idols is what I live for. There's no rewards but that doesn't matter to me."
"following idols" 「アイドル追っかけが」
"is what I live for" 「私の生きがい」
"there's no reward but" 「報いはないけど」
"that doesn't matter to me" 「構わない」
Supporting idols is what I live for. I don't care if there's nothing in it for me.
「アイドルの追っかけが私の生きがい。報いはないけど構わない」は英語で「Supporting idols is what I live for. I don't care if there's nothing in it for me.」と言います。「nothing in it for me」は「報いはない」と言いますが、私もアイドルの応援を長くして「報いはない」とは思わなくて、その時の感情や感動は十分「報い」なのではないかと個人的に思います。
Supporting idols is what I live for. I don't care if there's nothing in it for me, so I don't need to listen to you.