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2016/08/29 13:04
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  • Soaked

  • Soaking wet?

「びしょ濡れ」を英語で Soaked これは直訳だと「浸ってる」 ここで「びしょ濡れだよ」は I'm soaked もしくは I'm soaking wet!
ALPHA English 英会話カフェ
  • Didn't you get soaked?

  • Did the rain get you on your way back?

Didn't you get soaked?=びしょ濡れにならなかった? Soakedは「びしょ濡れ」と言う意味です。Soaking wetとも言います。 Did the rain get you on your way back?=帰り際雨にやられた? Get youなので「捕まる」と言ったニュアンスです。最近の急な雨は正に捕まっちゃった!って感じですよね。
  • Did you get dripping wet?

  • I hope you didn't get dripping wet!

びしょ濡れにならなかった?は以下のように英訳できます。 1) Did you get dripping wet? Dripping wet=びしょびしょに濡れる Dripはドリップコーヒーでもお馴染みの、ポタポタ垂れる、という意味。 びしょびしょに濡れて、頭からしずくが滴る様子を表しています。 2) I hope you didn't get dripping wet! =びしょびしょに濡れていなければいいんだけど! 別れた後に雨が降って、びしょびしょになったかどうかを確認する時は「 I hope ~」を使って、「~な事を祈る=~だといいんだけど!」となります。 I hope it helps :)
  • soaked through

  • drenched

  • caught in the rain

example "did you get caught in the rain today?". or "the showers were really bad, did you get drenched?". or "did you get caught in the rain today?".
【例文】 "Did you get caught in the rain today?". (今日雨に濡れなかった?) "The showers were really bad, did you get drenched?". (ひどい雨だったね、びしょ濡れにならなかった?) "Did you get caught in the rain today?". (今日雨に濡れなかった?)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • It has been raining and you were out there without an umbrella. Did you get soaked to the bone?

  • You were out there in the heavy rain without an umbrella. Did you get drenched to the skin?

If one has been in the rain without an umbrella, the obvious thing is that he/she would have been 'soaking wet' or 'soaked to the bone'. Both phrases or idioms mean to be 'completely wet'. To get 'drenched to the skin' is an idiom that also means to get completely wet, especially if one ventures out in the rain ,without an umbrella. So, you may say: It has been raining and you were out there without an umbrella. Did you get soaked to the bone? or You were out there in the heavy rain without an umbrella. Did you get drenched to the skin?
雨が降っているのに傘を持たずに外にいたら、当然"soaking wet"か"soaked to the bone"となりますよね。どちらのフレーズも「びしょ濡れ」という意味です。 ”Get drenched to the skin”も「びしょ濡れ」という意味のイディオムです。これは特にある人が傘を持たずに雨のなか思い切って外に出た時に使う表現です。 よって、以下のように言うことができます。 "It has been raining and you were out there without an umbrella. Did you get soaked to the bone?" (雨が降っているけど君は傘を持たずに外にいたよね。びしょ濡れになった?) "You were out there in the heavy rain without an umbrella. Did you get drenched to the skin?" (土砂降りのなか君は傘を持たずに外にいたよね。びしょ濡れになった?)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Did you get soaked right through?

  • Did you get soaking wet?

Soaked means getting extremely wet. To be 'soaked through' or 'soaked right through' is to say that the water soaked right through your clothing so that the water touches and wets your skin.
Soakedとは、びしょ濡れになるという意味です。 'soaked through' や 'soaked right through'は、服まで水がしみて、肌まで濡れるという意味です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Hey, I just want to hear if you did not get wet?

  • You left without an umbrella, did you get very wet?

  • You probably got soaking wet without and umbrella.

▪Hey, I just want to hear if you did not get wet? want to hear = find out... ▪You left without an umbrella, did you get very wet? Left without= Leave (in pass tense) without ▪You probably got soaking wet without and umbrella. Probably=almost certainly
・濡れなかったかどうか知りたいんだけど? want to hear = find out: 知る、わかる。 ・傘を持たずに出て行ったけど、濡れなかった? let without=leaveの過去形+without ・傘なしじゃ濡れたんじゃないか。 Probably=almost certainly
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Did you get soaked?

  • It is pouring outside, did you get drenched?

  • You must be dripping because of the weather.

When talking about someone or something that is very wet, we have a few words we use in English to describe it. For example we can use the words "drenched", "soaked" or "dripping". Both of these word carries images of something being submerged in water, pulled out and soaking wet and dripping through and through. The above sentences are just examples on how to use the different synonyms. Hope this helps! Thank you for your question.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • Did you get soaked from the rain?

  • Did you get drenched from walking in the rain?

Sometimes we forget to grab our umbrella, and we think it's going to rain. This has happened to many of us. We get completely soaked, depending on how heavy the rain is. "Soaked" is another way of saying completely wet and it has the same meaning as the word "drenched". We can use these sentences in any situation
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Did you get soaked?

  • Did you get drenched?

Using soaked or drenched are good ways to describe getting really wet. Here are some examples of these words being used in context: I fell into the pool by accident, I got soaked! I forgot my rain jacket yesterday, I ended up getting drenched when it rained on the way home from school.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • drenched

  • soaked

  • wet through

We can use the words 'drenched', 'soaked' or 'wet through' to describe the state of having gotten completely wet in the rain, so might for example say: - Did you get drenched in that downpour this morning? - You forgot your umbrella, did you get soaked? - I bet you got wet through in all that rain this morning, didn't you?
Gayle S DMM英会話講師
  • Did he get drenched?

  • Did he get sopping wet?

  • Did he get wet through?

'Drenched' or 'sopping wet' or 'wet through' or 'soaked' can all be used when we are talking about a situation where someone or something becomes totally wet. It goes without saying that every situation brings with it a variety of variables such as country, gender of the speaker or speakers and the audience or receiver of any communication. With that point in mind, what you say may need to be adjusted slightly. For example, comedians who travel around different countries or areas of one country may use cities or areas familiar to the audience in their jokes.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Did you get soaked?

  • You got extremely wet?

  • Did you get wet to the bone?

There are several ways to ask the question of “Did you get very wet?” One could simply ask “Did you get soaked?” Another way would be to ask, “Did you get extremely wet?” EXTREMELY adds more intensity to the sentence. You could also ask in a way that might be consider witty which is, “Did you get wet to the bone?” This would indicate that the person is really wet. So wet that the water has soaked them to the bone.
Dezzi DMM英会話講師
  • Did you get drenched?

  • Did you get soaked?

「びしょ濡れにならなかった?」は、 "Did you get drenched?" / "Did you get soaked?" などの表現を使うことが出来ます。 "get drenched"も"get soaked"も「びしょ濡れになる」という意味です。 "Did you get drenched/get soaked on your way home?" 「家に帰る時びしょ濡れにならなかった?」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
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