"I originally had Saturday and Sunday off, and it was a three-day weekend because I took a paid day off on Friday."
- "I originally had Saturday and Sunday off, and it was a three-day weekend because I took a paid day off on Friday."
"originally" 「元々」
"Saturday and Sunday off" 「土日は休みで」
"I originally had Saturday and Sunday off" 「元々土日は休みで」
"and it was a three-day weekend because ~" 「〜から三連休でした」
"three-day weekend" 「三連休」"long weekend" も使えます。
"I took a paid day off on Friday" 「金曜日は有休を取った」
"Friday" 「金曜日」
"paid day off" 「有休」"paid leave" や "a day off" 、"the day off" も言えます。
"I took ~" 「〜を取った」
I usually have Saturday and Sunday off, but I took Friday off as well, so I had a three day weekend.
ーI usually have Saturday and Sunday off, but I took Friday off as well, so I had a three day weekend.
to have Saturday and Sunday off で「土日を休む」
to take Friday off as well で「金曜も休みを取る」
a three day weekend で「3連休」
ーI always have the weekend off, but I asked for Friday off as well, so I could have a long weekend.
to have the weekend off で「週末を休む」
to ask for Friday off as well で「金曜も休みをもらう」
a long weekend で「3連休」
I usually have Saturday and Sunday off, and I took Friday off as well, so it was a three-day weekend.
I usually have Saturday and Sunday off, and I took Friday off as well, so it was a three-day weekend.
three-day weekend で「3連休」と言えます。