My girlfriend bought a fridge last January, it broke in August, and she just told me about it in September.
ーMy girlfriend bought a fridge last January, it broke in August, and she just told me about it in September.
ーShe told me in September about the fridge she had bought last January, which broke in August of the same year.
"I heard in September that the fridge that I bought in January broke in August."
- "I heard in September that the fridge that I bought in January broke in August."
"I heard in September" 「9月に聞いた」
"the fridge that I bought in January" 「1月に買った冷蔵庫が」過去形。または過去完了も言えます。"the fridge that I had bought in January" になります。
"broke in August" 「8月に壊れた」過去形です。これも過去完了も使えます。"had broken in August"