I saw a video about a Japanese women's daily life in Canada, and the condominium she lived in was really nice. I'd like to live there too.
ーI saw a video about a Japanese woman's everyday life in Canada, and the condominium she lived in was really nice. I'd love to live there too.
a video about a Japanese woman's everyday life in Canada を使って表現することができます。
または routine という単語を使いたいなら次のようにも言えます。
a video about a Japanese woman's daily routine in Canada
a video of the daily routine of a Japanese person living in Canada
「カナダに住んでる日本人のルーティーン動画」は英語で「a video of the daily routine of a Japanese person living in Canada」と言います。「ルーティン」は毎日やっていることのニュアンスだと思いますのでその時は「daily routine」という表現を使います。
I watched a video of the daily routine of a Japanese person living in Canada, and the condominium I saw was so nice that I wanted to live there too.