世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/09/02 08:14
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  • Today's classes were boring.

Today's classes were boring. 今日の授業はつまらなかった 逆を言いたい場合は以下のように表現できます: Today's classes were interesting and easy to understand. 今日の授業は面白くてわかりやすかった! 是非使ってみてください!
  • Today's lesson was lame.

  • Today's lesson was really boring.

今日の授業はつまらなかった、は以下のように英訳できます。 1)Today's lesson was lame. =今日のレッスンはつまらなかった Lame (形容詞・発音:れいむ)は「つまらない」「かっこよくない」などの意味。 2)Today's lesson was really boring. =今日のレッスンはつまらなかった I hope it helps :)
  • ① Today's lesson was boring

今日のレッスンはつまらなかったというなら、「① Today's lesson was boring」になります。 逆に、「今日のレッスンは分かりやすかった」というなら、「today's lesson was good」でいいと思います! ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • This class was a dead loss!... I almost fell asleep during it;-)

  • On the other hand..." What an amazing class I was so into it!" I got so much form it

It's good to express how we truly feel and although honesty is the best policy... it can be a little cruel sometimes;-)) Disappointment has many phrases attached to it! From the blunt..."That class sucked!" to the more humorous..."What a snore fest!" or Boredom City!
感じていることを正直に表現することは良いことで、正直であることはやり方としては最良ではあるけれども・・・ ときおり少し残酷になりえますよね。 がっかりしたときのフレーズはたくさんあります! "That class sucked!" (あの授業はクソだった!)というぶっきらぼうな言い方から、 "What a snore fest!" or ”Boredom City!” (「いびき大会だった!」あるいは「退屈な町!)というよりユーモラスな表現まであります。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Class was boring today.

  • Class was really easy today.

  • I wasn't challenged much in class today.

You can say: Class was boring today. This is an informal phrase used to say that the class was not interesting or stimulating. This form makes it seem slightly more positive and polite: Class was really easy today. I wasn't challenged much in class today. When you are not challenged, it means that you did not find the work difficult to understand. It did not make you think hard. You can also say: They spoon fed us in class today. To spoon feed someone - To make something too simple for people to understand and teaching it to them. I hope that helps!
こう言うことができます。 Class was boring today. これは授業が面白くなかった、刺激的でなかったと言うカジュアルなフレーズです。 こちらの言い方は、もう少しポジティブで丁寧な印象です。 Class was really easy today. (今日の授業はとても簡単だった。) I wasn't challenged much in class today. not challenged というのは、そのタスクがあなたにとって理解するのに難しくなかったという意味になります。頭を使うことがなかったということです。 このように言うこともできます。 They spoon fed us in class today. spoon feed someone - 相手にとってわかりやすく噛み砕きすぎて、それを教えること 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • today's lessons were tedious

  • the lesson was boring

  • dreary, dull or uninteresting

examples "the lesson was so dull". or "the lesson was boring". or "the lesson today was really tedious". or "i found the teacher really uninteresting".
例文 "The lesson was so dull". レッスンは本当につまらなかった "The lesson was boring". レッスンは退屈だった "The lesson today was really tedious". 今日のレッスンは本当に退屈だった "I found the teacher really uninteresting". 先生は本当に面白くないと思った
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • My classes were a real snooze today!

  • My classes were great today, they were easy to follow.

In the first sentence you will notice the word snooze. Although this word has different meanings in this sentence it means boring or not interesting. In the second sentence you will see the term easy to follow. This term means that someone or something was easy to understand or comprehend.
最初の例にある「snooze」は、いろいろな意味がありますが、ここでは「つまらない(boring)、面白くない(not interesting)」という意味です。 二つ目の例にある「easy to follow」は「(人・ものが)わかりやすかった」ことを表します。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • The class was a bit boring but easy to understand.

  • The class was easy today but also a little boring.

We can use these two expressions to say that the class was easy but also a little boring. Notice that in these examples we can move around which adjective we talk about first and still come out with the same meaning.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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