"I only have 3 lines but remembering everything else is tough."
"I only have 3 lines but remembering everything else is tough."
"I only have ~" 「たった〜しかないです」
"3 lines" 「3つセリフ」
"I only have 3 lines" 「たった3つしかセリフがない」
"remembering everything else"「他の全てを覚えるのが」"everything else" は "状況” や周りの人の動きやセリフのことを表します。
"is tough" 「大変です。」
I only have three lines but its tough to remember the situation.
- I only have three lines but its tough to remember the situation.
- I am participating in a musical. I only have three lines. However, I have to memorize other people's moves and lines so its tough.