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2016/09/05 13:33
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  • I slept until the last minute this morning.

until the last minute 「ギリギリまで、最後まで」 朝以外でも、いろんな場面で使える表現なので、ぜひ活用してください。 I slept until the last minute this morning. 今朝はギリギリまで寝てしまった。
  • I almost overslept

  • I was sleeping and barely made it in time

To oversleep = to sleep longer than you want to sleep. "John overslept today and was 30 minutes late for work." "To barely make it" means to only just be able to do something, or to do something with difficulty where the margin between success and failure is very small. "Why are you sweating so much?" "I had to run all the way from the train station or I would have been late."
To oversleep = 自分が寝ようとするより長く寝てしまうこと "John overslept today and was 30 minutes late for work." ジョンは寝坊して仕事に30分遅れた。 "To barely make it" ぎりぎりで行えること、成功したが成功と失敗は紙一重という場合によく使います。 "Why are you sweating so much?" なんでそんなに汗かいてどうした? "I had to run all the way from the train station or I would have been late." 電車からここまで走ってきたんだ!でなくちゃ間に合わなかった。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I nearly overslept this morning.

nobuさん、こんにちは。ご質問ありがとうございます。 一例をご紹介させていただきますね。 《英訳例》 I nearly overslept this morning. →私はけさ寝坊しかけました。 I nearly oversleep →私は寝坊しかけた this morning →けさ 《語句》 〈リーダーズ英和辞典第3版〉 nearly ほとんど,ほぼ (almost) ,もう少しで;かろうじて (narrowly) ,あやうく 〈英辞郎〉 oversleep 【自動】寝過ごす ☆ 解説です 「ギリギリまで寝る」は「寝坊しかける」ということかなと思いました。 oversleep は「寝過ごす」、nearly は「危うく…するところで」(スーパー・アンカー英和辞典)。nearly oversleep は「寝坊までは行かないがそれに近いことをする」という意味です。 簡単な回答ですが、お役に立てばと思います。 ありがとうございました。
  • I was almost late since I overslept.

This means that your were almost late since slept too much.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I nearly over slept.

  • I slept till the last minute this morning.

Nearly over slept means you almost slept to much and would have been late. Slept till the late minute means you slept as long as you could without been late.
Nearly oversleptとはあとちょっとで寝過ごしてしまうところだったときに使います。Slept till the late minuteとは、ギリギリまで寝ることを言います。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I was really close to over sleeping this morning.

Here are some examples of this sentence being used in context: I was really close to over sleeping this morning, I was that close to being late for work. I was really close to over sleeping this morning, I need to set an early alarm because I don't want to be late for school.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • lie in

  • cut it fine

A lie-in is normally intentional because you don't have to go to work. It is when you stay in bed later in the morning as opposed to the normal time of waking up. "I love the weekends! It's the only chance I get to catch up on my sleep and have a lie-in." Cut it fine is a fantastic expression for when you are short on time or have close margins. You can also use it in various situations. As in: "I was cutting it a bit fine this morning and was nearly late for work!" "We are cutting it a bit fine with the completion of this project, we need to get ourselves into gear & finish it!"
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • I slept in this morning.

  • I struggled to wake up this morning.

  • I almost did not make it on time.

Slept in refers to the fact that I slept longer than I had planned to - stayed in bed too long! Struggling to wake up shows that it was hard to get out of bed. Almost did not make it on time is another way to say that I was almost late.
Slept inとは、予定よりも長く寝てしまったこと、寝坊してしまったことを表します。 Struggling to wake up(目を覚ますのに苦労する)とは、ベッドから出ることが困難であったことを表します。 Almost did not make it on time(時間に間に合わないかと思った)は、I was almost late(ほとんど遅れそうだった)の別の言い方です。
Adrianna DMM英会話講師
  • I almost overslept!

  • I stayed on bed till the last possible minute...and almost overslept!

Sometimes it is so hard to get out of bed in the morning we are so comfortable and "cosy". Especially on cold winter mornings when we would rather "Snuggle" for a little while longer:-D However...This may mean we could oversleep and miss an important appointment! I almost overslept!!
時には、あまりにも心地よすぎて、朝ベッドからでるのが大変なときがあります。特に寒い冬の朝は、少しでも長くゴロゴロしていたいものです。 しかし、これは寝過ごして、大事な約束をすっぽかしてしまいかねません。  I almost overslept!! 寝過ごすところだった!
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I slept so much that I was almost late.

  • I almost overslept

I slept so much that I was almost late. This shows that you were sleeping and it almost made you late. I almost overslept This explains that you were sleeping so much that you were almost late. Unlike the statement above that just explains that you almost woke up late, this combines the fact that you were sleeping and you almost woke up late
I slept so much that I was almost late. 寝すぎてしまって遅刻するところでした。 これは、寝すぎてしまって、遅刻しそうだったことを意味します。  I almost overslept 寝過ごすところだった。 これは、たくさん寝てしまって遅刻するところだったことを言います。一つ前の表現は、寝坊という意味ではありませんが、この文は、あやうく寝坊するところだったということを意味します。  
Fafie DMM英会話講師
  • I ended up sleeping in till the last minute today and almost ended up being late because of it.

  • I was almost late because I didn't wake up until just before I was meant to leave.

If you would like to explain to someone that you were almost late because you slept in till the last minute, you can say something like "I ended up sleeping in till the last minute today and almost ended up being late because of it.". Sleeping in until the last minute means not waking up until RIGHT before you need to leave the house/be somewhere.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I nearly overslept.

  • I almost overslept.

  • I was sleeping and only just made it in time.

I nearly overslept states that you didn't actually oversleep and that you weren't late at all. It would have been a situation whereby if you had possibly slept a little longer you would have definitely have been late.
Gayle S DMM英会話講師
  • I slept in this morning.

  • I overslept this morning.

「今朝ギリギリまで寝てしまった」は、 "I slept in this morning." "I overslept this morning." と表現することが出来ます。 「寝過ごす」は、 "sleep in" "oversleep" ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • I almost overslept this morning.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「I almost overslept this morning.」 =今朝遅刻しそうになった。 (例文)I almost overslept this morning. I guess I was really tired. (訳)今朝遅刻しそうになった。すごく疲れていたのかな。 単語: tired 疲れる お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
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