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求人のお断りのメールです。 「採用を見送らせていただきました」というのは日本的表現かと思いますが、英語だと「不合格です」とストレートに伝えるのでしょうか。
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keita sudoさん
2015/11/02 20:26
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  • We have decided not to move forward with your application.

  • We decided to go with another candidate.

We have decided not to move forward with your application. [採用](を見送らせていただきました。 We decided to go with another candidate. 他の[応募者](を採用することになりました。 After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that you have not been selected for this position. 慎重に検討した結果、誠に残念ながら誠に残念ながらあなたがこのポジション(職種、仕事、求人)に選ばれなかったことをお伝えします。(ご期待に添えず申し訳ありません、のようなニュアンス) 上記は海外の不合格連絡でよく使われる表現です。英語では日本よりはストレートに伝えても、「不合格です」だけをストレートに伝えることはあまりないと思います。「今回の求人に興味を持っていただいてありがとうございます」のような表現の後に上記のような表現が続く場合が多いです。 例: Thank you for your interest in the position of ○○. After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that you have not been selected for this position. ○○のポジション(職種、仕事、求人)に興味を持っていただきありがとうございます。慎重に検討した結果、誠に残念ながらご期待に添えない結果となりました。 -- VOCABULARY -- decide = 決断する move forward = 進む careful consideration = 慎重な検討 inform = 伝える
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • We have concluded that we are unable to offer you the (job) position.

英語はストレートに表現されるものも多いですが、不採用通知に関しては以外に長い丁重なメール(レター)が送られてくる事が多いです。 例文ですが、こんな内容です。 Thank you for applying to [会社名]. After completing a careful review of your application and supporting credentials, our Admissions Committee has concluded that we are unable to offer you acceptance to the job position. This year we received nearly [応募数] applications for [採用数] places, making the competition keen and our task difficult. Regrettably, we cannot accommodate all applicants interested in [会社名]. 訳 この度は [会社名]に[ご応募頂き、ありがとうございました](。 貴殿の応募内容と基礎資料を 社内(採用部門)で慎重に検討させていただきましたが、[採用](については見送らせていただくこととなりました。(直訳:その仕事の役職への採用を差し上げる事が出来ないと結論付けました)。 今年は、[採用数]の応募に対し[応募数]近くの応募があり、選考には困難を極めました。(直訳:激しい競争となったため、我々の仕事は難しいものになりました。)遺憾ながら、弊社に興味を持って頂いた全ての応募者を受けれる事は出来ませんでした。 あくまでも例文ですが、この後にも色々と理由や会社の事情が連なっている事もあります。 そして最後に We wish you great success in your future. 訳 貴殿の今後益々のご活躍をお祈り申し上げます。 と締めくくられます。 日本のような短い不採用通知ではなく、採用通知と同じくらいの長さの時もあります。 もちろん内容は全く異なりますが・・・。 何度も不採用通知や不合格通知を受けてると「またか」とすぐにわかるようになりますけどね(実談^^;)
  • Thank you for your interest in our company. We regret to inform you, however, that your application for the position has been unsuccessful.

  • We want to thank you for applying for the position of XYZ. Regrettably, your application has been unsuccessful, but we will keep your CV/Resume on file.

To soften the blow, always thank the candidate for their interest in applying., then state your regret at having to give them the unfortunate outcome.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Unfortunately you were not selected to proceed with the hiring process.

  • Due to (state reason), we were not able to offer you a position at the moment.

Saying "you were not selected" will definitely sound more smooth than saying "you were not hired". Although they both have the same meaning, it is better to avoid using the word "not hired". Also remember to state a reasonable explanation before telling them that they were "not selected" or you were "not able to offer a position" For example: "Dear Steven, Due to our high number of applicants and the competitive selection process, we were unfortunately not able to offer you a position at the moment. This not a reflection of your credentials or your qualifications......etc." As you can see, after telling the applicant that he/she was not hired, I proceeded to inform them that it's not their fault. So it can give the applicant a feeling of having a second chance if that's what you'd like to imply.
「you were not selected」の方が、「you were not hired」と言うよりスムーズに聞こえます。どちらも同じ意味ですが、「not hired」という言葉を避けた方が良いです。 また、「not selected」や「not able to offer a position」という前に、きちんと合理的な説明を言うこと覚えておいてください。 例文 「親愛なるスティーブン、 Due to our high number of applicants and the competitive selection process, we were unfortunately not able to offer you a position at the moment. This not a reflection of your credentials or your qualifications......etc." 当社は応募者が多く、選考の結果、残念ながらあなたに現時点で業務を提供することができませんでした。あなたの資格などのせいではございません。などなど。 分かる通り、彼/彼女が雇用できなかったと申請者に言った後、それは彼らのせいではないことをしっかりと伝えています。 だから申請者にはまだチャンスがあるんだと暗示することができますね。これがあなたの言いたいことだと良いのですが。
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • 1. We regret to inform you, you have been unsuccessful on this occasion.

  • 2. The competition for this position was fierce and you were under consideration to the very end of the selection process.

  • 3. We thank you for your interest in our company and wish you well for the future.

1. This is a very normal phrase within a letter of rejection. 2. If the writer chooses to supply more detail, the letter may well explain the high quality of the applicants and the difficulty of deciding the best candidate. 3. The parting phrase may well comprise good wishes for the future.
一つ目のフレーズが一番ノーマルな不採用の手紙です。 二つ目のフレーズは詳細について述べており、応募者の中から選択することが難しかったがダメだったというようになります。 三つめのフレーズは、ここには採用されなかったが、いいところに採用されるといいですね、と将来的なポジティブな意味があります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Due to the overwhelming number of applicants for this role we will not be proceeding with your application at this time.

A kind way of letting a person know they didn't get the role due to the number of applicants.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • Unfortunately, we are unable to offer you a position at this point in time.

  • We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful.

上は「現時点ではその役職にオファー出来かねる(採用できかねる)」 下は「あなたの就職願書が不成功だったことを通知する」 どちらもよく聞く不採用通知の言葉です。 regret to do ; 残念ながら...する。 unfortunately;不運ながら、残念ながら、
  • we have decided not to move forward with your application.

  • Unfortunately we are unable to offer you the position.

  • We regret to inform you that application for the position has been unsuccessful.

"We have decided not to move forward with your application." This explains to the person that they do not have the job and will not have a second interview. "Unfortunately we are unable to offer you the position." This tells the person you will not be giving them the job. "We regret to inform you that application for the position has been unsuccessful." This is a professional way of saying sorry but we have decided to give the job to someone else.
"We have decided not to move forward with your application." これは相手に仕事は与えられないこと、そして二回目の面接はないことを説明しています。 "Unfortunately we are unable to offer you the position." これは相手に仕事を与える予定がないことを伝えています。 "We regret to inform you that application for the position has been unsuccessful." これは申し訳ないですが、違う人に仕事を与えることにしましたということを伝えるプロフェッショナルな言い方です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • We're sorry to inform you that you have not been selected for this position.

「残念ながら、あなたがこのポジションに選ばれなかったことをお知らせします」の意味です。 We're sorry to inform you…は「残念ながら…をお知らせいたします」の意味でよく使われる慣用表現です(^^♪
  • I'm sorry to inform that we could not offer you the position of Financial Director to the Presidential Office.

  • We regret to inform you that your application for Financial Director to the Presidential Office is no longer under consideration.

  • We're sorry to inform you that we have decided to move forward with another candidate.

to offer someone a job - this means to give them the position; given that they accept your offer to be under consideration - when an application is under consideration or "under review," it means that the hiring manager is still looking at the application and considering the candidate for hire I'm sorry to inform / We regret to inform you - this is usually how formal rejection letters start You can end the letter by thanking the applicant for taking the time to apply.
to offer someone a job - これは誰かに役職を与えるということを意味しています、もちろん、その人があなたの提案を受け入れる前提ですが。 to be under consideration - 何かの申し込みが "under consideration"(検討中)や "under review" である時は、雇用担当者がまだ応募内容を見ていて、雇う候補者を考えていることです。 I'm sorry to inform / We regret to inform you - これは大抵不採用通知を公式的に始める表現方法です。 応募者に申し込んでくれてありがとうと言って手紙を終えることもできます。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • We regret to inform you that you were not selected for the position you were interviewed for. However, please feel free to visit our 'Available Vacancies' page of our website for any vacancies that might interest you.

  • We wish to let you know that you were unsuccessful at the interview. However, we will keep your application on file and will contact you when a suitable position occurs.

It is usual to express regret at not having hired a person who thought that he/she was the most suitable candidate for the position. This is a matter of courtesy. So that the unsuccessful candidate does not feel disrespected or that he/she will never ever be accepted for a position at your company. It is very important to politely inform the candidate in order to maintain a relationship with him/her and also keep his/her hopes high. So, you may say in your e-mail: We regret to inform you that you were not selected for the position you were interviewed for. However, please feel free to visit our 'Available Vacancies' page of our website for any vacancies that might interest you. or We wish to let you know that you were unsuccessful at the interview. However, we will keep your application on file and will contact you whenever a suitable position occurs.
「自分はこの仕事に最もふさわしい人間」、そう思って応募してくる人が多いでしょうから、採用できなかった時には regret (残念な気持ち) を表しましょう。これは礼儀の問題です。失礼にならないように、「一生ここで働くことはないだろう」と思われないように。 相手を励まし、また関係を維持できるように、丁寧に伝えることが重要です。 We regret to inform you that you were not selected for the position you were interviewed for. However, please feel free to visit our 'Available Vacancies' page of our website for any vacancies that might interest you. (残念ながら今回は採用を見送らせていただきます。お仕事の募集はわが社のウェブサイトの「Available Vacancies」ページにてご確認いただけます。今後ともよろしくお願いいたします) We wish to let you know that you were unsuccessful at the interview. However, we will keep your application on file and will contact you whenever a suitable position occurs. (残念ながら今回は採用を見送らせていただきます。ご提出いただいた情報はこちらに残しますので、またお力が必要な時は、ご連絡致します)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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