Taking "forever" to charge is a figure of speech and an exaggeration but will get your point across.
Also we can that it "does not charge quickly" which will indicate that it "takes a long time to charge"
"take forever to change" は比喩的で誇張的な表現ですが、相手は意味をすぐ理解してくれるでしょう。
また、 "does not charge quickly"は、it "takes a long time to charge"変わるのに時間がかかるという意味で使われます。
・This thing takes so long to charge.
・My phone takes a long time to charge.
This thing は「コレ」「コイツ』みたいなニュアンス。
〈take + 時間を表す表現 + 動詞の原形〉は頻出の表現なので覚えましょう。
だから、英訳①の take a while to charge で「充電するのにしばらくかかる」となります。
英訳②の forever は「永遠」で「長い」ということを誇張しています。
また、手元にあるものを指して「これ」というとき、それがどんなものかにかかわらず、this thing を使うことがよくあります。
this cell phone や this tablet などと言ってもいいのですが、this thing は各段に汎用性高いので、知っておくと便利ですよ。
When you're talking about how long a device takes to charge and want to express that it usually takes a long time, then you can say:
-My phone takes a while to charge
-It takes my phone 2 hours to be charged fully
-It takes a long time to charge this (phone).
-My phone takes a while to charge
-It takes my phone 2 hours to be charged fully
-It takes a long time to charge this (phone).
It takes forever to charge. (takes really long to charge)
It takes a very long time charge.
Be patient. It takes long to charge.
It takes forever to charge. (takes really long to charge)
It takes a very long time charge.
Be patient. It takes long to charge.
We can use the phrases, "to takes a long time," or that, "it takes awhile," to express that it will be awhile for it to charge or something will take a good amount of time. We can also use the phrase, "it takes forever," to dramatically say that it will take awhile.