"I started learning English because I want to be able to ~ in the future."
"I started studying English because in the future I want to ~."
"I started learning English because I want to be able to ~ in the future."
"I started ~" 「〜始めた」
"learning English”「英語を学ぶ」
"I want to be able to ~" 「〜できるようになりたい」
"in the future" 「将来で」
"I started studying English because in the future I want to ~."
"studying English" 「英語を勉強する」
"I want to ~”「〜したい」
"I want to ~" と "I want to be able to" の違いは "I want to be able to" は今できないことを表す。例えば 英語しか話せない人と会話するや英語の映画を字幕なしで見たい。
"I want to ~" は今できるかできないか関係ないで使えます。旅行に行きたいや転職したいなど。
または "I want to be able to" の様にも使えます。
I started learning English so that in the future I am able to~
- I started learning English so that in the future I am able to~
I want to〜
I want to be able to〜
I want to dance.
I want to be able to dance.