As a life experience, it's worth doing at least once.
Trying it once is worth it as a life experience.
① "As a life experience,"=「人生経験として、」
"it's worth doing at least once."=「一度する価値はある。」
② "Trying it once is worth it as a life experience."=「一度試すのは人生経験として価値がある。」
例文:"Climbing Mt. Fuji is worth doing as part of your life experience."=「富士山を登るのは人生経験の一部として価値がある。」
It's worth trying it once as part of one's life experiences.
There's value in giving it a try in terms of life experience.
ーIt's worth trying it once as part of one's life experiences.
It's worth ~ing で「〜する価値がある」
ーThere's value in giving it a try in terms of life experience.
There's value in で「…してみる価値がある」