世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2016/09/11 23:17
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  • English proficiency is one of the requirements if you want to work internationally in the future.

  • If you want to work internationally in the future, English is a must.

フォーマルな言い方がご希望ということでしたので、例① がお勧めです。


English proficiency (英語における熟達=proficiency in English)
requirement (必要条件・・・TOEICにもよく出てきますね)
国際的な仕事→国際的に仕事をする といいかえて work internationally


must 「絶対必要なこと・物」名詞です。口語(会話)ではよく使われています。


  • ① Improved English would allow you to work overseas.

  • ② English is certainly a useful skill to possess in global markets.

  • ③ English is a must for a global career.

① allow +(人)+to 不定詞=「(人)が〜するのを可能にする」


② possess=「所有する」


③ a must=「必須事項」





Nishijo Tomoyuki 「Global 10の英語教室」代表
  • It will be required of me to speak English if I want to work internationally in the future.

If something is "required" that means that it is necessary. "Will be" is the verb form to talk about the future. I hope that this helps. :)

"required" は「必要な」という意味です。

"will be" は未来について話すときの形です。


Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I think speaking English is a neccesity if you want to work abroad.

  • If you want to work abroad, you should really speak English.

  • If you want to be successful working abroad, you should be able to speak English.

"Abroad" is an English word that means somewhere other than your home country. For example, "I'm going abroad next week." means you are leaving the country next week.

A "necessity" is something that you must have. When you say "speaking English is a necessity" you mean that English speaking skills are something you must have to work in a foreign country.

例えば、"I'm going abroad next week." は「来週海外に行きます」という意味です。

"necessity" は「必要なもの」という意味です。
"speaking English is a necessity" は、海外で働くには英語が話せる必要があるという意味です。

Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • English is key to my ambition of working on the international stage.

If you wish to work internationally in the future and think that speaking English is a musyt, then you may explain your viewpoint by using the abovementioned suggestion.


Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Speaking English is vital for me to be able to work internationally in the future.

  • It is important for me to know English if I wish to work internationally in the future.

"vital" is another way of saying "important"

"vital" は "important"(重要な)の別の言い方です。

SaiFi DMM英会話講師
  • English fluency is critical when working abroad.

  • The ability to communicate in English is very important when one wants to work abroad.

The two examples provided are both appropriate when trying to explain both your intentions and the need to master English before you can consider working abroad.There are many ways to articulate this :

-Before I even consider moving abroad I need to be able to speak English
-Gaining full proficiency in English is important if I am to consider working abroad.
-I need to be able to speak English fluently if I want to work internationally in future.



-Before I even consider moving abroad I need to be able to speak English(海外に行くことを考える前にまず英語を話せるようにならないといけない)

-Gaining full proficiency in English is important if I am to consider working abroad.(海外に行くことを考えるなら、しっかりとした英語力を身につけることは重要です)

-I need to be able to speak English fluently if I want to work internationally in future.(将来国際的に働きたいなら、英語を流ちょうに話せるようにならないといけない)

Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Speaking English is a requirement if I want to work internationally.

  • I am working on becoming proficient in the English language so I can work internationally.

"Speaking English is a requirement if I want to work internationally." - The word "requirement" means something that is needed or really important; if you don't have it, it will be difficult to achieve what you want to do. So in this case, speaking English is something that you need to be able to do or it is really important that you can speak English if you want to work in other countries.
"I am working on becoming proficient in the English language so I can work internationally." - The word 'proficient' means that you are very good at a skill. To become 'proficient' in English language means you would be close to native speaking level and can converse and work while using English very comfortably.

"Speaking English is a requirement if I want to work internationally."(国際的に仕事をしたいなら、英語は話せないといけない)
- "Requirement" は「必要とされること」「非常に重要なこと」という意味です。それがないと目標を達成するのが難しいということです。この場合は、国際的に仕事をしたいなら、英語力が必要、あるいは英語力が非常に重要という意味になります。

"I am working on becoming proficient in the English language so I can work internationally."(国際的に仕事ができるよう、英語の上達に取り組んでいます)
- "To become proficient in the English language" は、会話や仕事が難なくこなせるネイティブに近いレベルの英語力を身につけることをいいます。

Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • I think that knowing how to speak English is important, if I want to work abroad.

  • If I want to work internationally, its really important to speak English.

When you want to say that speaking English is vital if you want to work anywhere around the world, you can say "I think that knowing how to speak English is important if I want to work abroad."


"I think that knowing how to speak English is important if I want to work abroad."

Jason T DMM英会話講師
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