I received an email that looked like someone impersonated you.
I received an email that looked like someone impersonated you. I double-checked the email address and found out that it was a slightly altered version of your email address.
とすると、『誰かがあなたになりすましたようなメールを受信しました。そのメールアドレスを再確認したところあなたのメールアドレスが少し変えられたものでした。』と言えます。全く違うメールアドレスであれば、最後の一文の that の後は、It was not your email address. として下さいね!
double check 再確認、二重チェック
find out that ~ということに気付く
impersonate なりすます、だますために人のふりをする
I got a mail that seems like someone was trying to pretend to be you.
この場合、「あなたのフリしたメールがきたよ」と言いたいなら英語で「I got a mail that seems like someone was trying to pretend to be you.」という風に言えます。
また、はっきり伝えれるため、「よく見たら本人ではありませんでした」と言いたいなら、「After looking at this mail closely I knew it couldn't have been you.」と言えます。
最終的に「I got a mail that seems like someone was trying to pretend to be you. After looking at this mail closely I knew it couldn't have been you.になります。
Someone sent me an email trying to impersonate you.
I got an email from someone who pretended to be you.
ーSomeone sent me an email trying to impersonate you.
to impersonate で「なりすます」
ーI got an email from someone who pretended to be you.
to pretend で「フリをする」