I forget how many volumes there are in that Harry Potter set.
I don't remember how many volumes there are in the Harry Potter series.
ーI forget how many volumes there are in that Harry Potter set.
how many volumes there are で「何巻あるか」
ーI don't remember how many volumes there are in the Harry Potter series.
I forget の代わりに、I don't remember とも言えます。
Sorry, I forgot how many Harry Potter books there are.
Sorry, but I forgot how many volumes of Harry Potter books there are.
① "Sorry, I forgot how many Harry Potter books there are."=「ごめん、ハリーポッターの本が何巻あるか忘れてしまった。」
② "Sorry, but I forgot how many volumes of Harry Potter books there are."=「ごめん、でもハリーポッターの本は何巻あるか忘れてしまった。」