"Sailor Moon was a popular anime in the first half of the Heisei era."
"Sailor Moon is a popular anime from the early 90s."
"Sailor Moon was a popular anime in the first half of the Heisei era."
"Sailor Moon" 「セーラームーン」
"was ~" 「〜でした」
"popular" 「流行った」・「人気」
"anime" 「アニメ」"cartoon" も言えます。
"in the first half of the heisei era" 「平成前半に」
"Sailor Moon is a popular anime from the early 90s."
"is ~”「〜です」
"the early 90s" [「90年代前半」](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/5137/)
Sailor Moon is a popular anime from the first half of the Heisei era.
・「Sailor Moon is a popular anime from the first half of the Heisei era.」
(意味) セーラームーンは,平成前半に流行ったアニメです。
<例文>Sailor Moon is a popular anime from the first half of the Heisei era. It's still popular today.