The difficulty level increases as it's harder to get more point when your score is high.
このシチュエーションで「[得点](が高くなるにつれて点数を上げるのが難しくなるよ」と言いたいなら、英語で「The difficulty level increases as it's harder to get more point when your score is high.」と言えます。
It's harder to get more points the higher your score is.
「得点が高くなるにつれて点数を上げるのが難しくなるよ」は英語で「It's harder to get more points the higher your score is.」と言います。「Aにつれて、B」というのは英語でよく「with A, B」と翻訳されて、この場合は「with a higher score, it's harder to get more points」のも可能です。
It's harder to get more points the higher your score is, so that's why my TOEIC score has always been around 600 points.