世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/09/20 17:31
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  • Put your phone away while eating./Put away your phone while eating.

  • Put your phone down while eating./Put down your phone while eating.

・Put your phone away while eating./Put away your phone while eating. ・Put your phone down while eating./Put down your phone while eating.  「食事中は携帯を置いておきなさい。」 put away は「どこかへ放っておく」、 put down は「降ろす、置く」といったようなイメージかと思いますが、この文脈ではどちらでも大丈夫でしょう。
  • Don't fidget with your phone when you're eating

  • Please don't bring your phone to the dining table

Don't fidget with your phone when you're eating=食事中は携帯を弄らないで Fidget=弄る、手の中で遊ぶ 発音は「フィジェット」です。どことなく落ち着きのない印象のある言葉なので子供を注意したり叱る時によくつかいます。勿論大人を対象にも使います。 Please don't bring your phone to the dining table=お願いだから食卓には携帯を持って来ないで そもそもここですね! どなりつける場合はPleaseを省きましょう。
  • Put your phone away when we are eating.

  • It's rude to play with your phone at the table.

  • Please put your phone away at the table,you can play with it afterwards.

These are all simple instructions that convey the same message.You might even want to be a bit firm and say : -If you don't put that phone away I will take it away from you *This is a subtle threat to let your child know that there are repercussions. -If you keep fidgeting with that phone I am going to take it away until you learn how to behave. This is another firm way to make sure that he/she puts the phone away.
These are all simple instructions that convey the same message.You might even want to be a bit firm and say : これらはすべて同じメッセージを伝えるシンプルな言い回しです。少し毅然な態度をとった方が良いかもしれません。 -If you don't put that phone away I will take it away from you *This is a subtle threat to let your child know that there are repercussions. -If you keep fidgeting with that phone I am going to take it away until you learn how to behave. This is another firm way to make sure that he/she puts the phone away. ①「携帯を置かなければ、取り上げるよ!」言うことを聞かなければ、良からぬことが待ち受けていること(罰)を何気なく伝える。 ②「携帯をいじり続けるんだったら、あなたがちゃんとするまで没収するよ!」強い口調の言い方です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Please put away your phone while eating. You'll get it all messy!

  • 2. It's rude to eat with a phone in your hand!

  • 3. You'll get a stomach ache if you eat while on the phone!

1. This is the logical approach. You ask for the phone to be put down because it will get messy. 2. Here you state that it is generally rude to use a phone while eating. Depending on the age of the child, this censure should trigger the reaction of putting down the phone. 3. You state that the child may get a stomach ache. This should be sufficient warning for the child to put down the phone.
1. 論理的なアプローチです。散らかすかもしれないから携帯を置くようお願いします。 2. 食事中に携帯をいじることは、一般的に失礼だということ。子供の年齢によります、この叱りは携帯を置くという反応を見せてくれるでしょう。 3. お腹を壊すよ、これは、小さな子供には十分な警告になるでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You're not allowed to use your phone while you're eating.

Depending on the situation you may want to have this as a rule, and in that case you can say that it is not allowed. Saying it is not allowed will mean that you do not have to continually ask them to put their phone away while eating, as they know this is a rule to to be followed at every meal.
状況にもよりますが、これをルールにしてしまった方がいいかもしれません。 その場合は "not allowed" が使えます。 "not allowed" と言えば、それが食事の度のルールになりますから、繰り返し食事中携帯を使わないように言う必要はなくなります。
Nadia F DMM英会話講師

  • Put your phone away at the table!

  • Put it away or I will!

NOT, AT THE TABLE! - this in a hard voice will tell the child that this is not allowed while at the table eating (assuming that you eat at the table). It will also set down rules of etiquette for the child. Personally this is what I would use. Put your phone away at the table/while eating - this is ok as it will tell the child to put their phone away but may be the same problem tomorrow. Put it away or I will! - This will tell the child that you are frustrated with them, and if they do not put it away, you will take it off them. (best choice)
NOT, AT THE TABLE! - これは激しい声で、テーブルで食べている間は許可されていないことを子供に伝えます(あなたがテーブルで食べると仮定して)。 また、子供のための礼儀のルールを教えます。 個人的にこれが私が使用するものです。 Put your phone away at the table/while eating -これは、子供に自分の携帯電話を置くように指示するものですが、もしかしたら、明日同じ問題になるかもしれません。 Put it awayまたは、I will! -これはあなたが不満を感じていることを子どもに伝えます。もし子供がそれを離さないなら、あなたはそれを取り上げることができます。 (最良の選択)
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Put away your phone until you have finished eating.

  • Eat first, and then you may use your phone.

These are two statements that can be used to tell a child to put their phone away when they are eating. 1. Please put your phone away until you have finished eating . 2. Eat first, and then you may use your phone.
子どもが食事中に携帯をいじっている時、二通りの言い方が可能です。 1. Please put your phone away until you have finished eating . →食べ終わるまで、携帯を置きなさい。 2. Eat first, and then you may use your phone. →先に食べなさい。それから携帯を使いなさい。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • No phones allowed at the dinner table.

  • No phones will be touched while we are eating.

  • I do not want to see a phone while we are eating.

1.No phones allowed at the dinner table. 2.No phones will be touched while we are eating. 3.I do not want to see a phone while we are eating. *allowed=restricted Sentence 1 means that phones are not allowed at the dinner table, or it means that it is banned. Sentence 2 means no phone touching, means hands off the phones while eating. Sentence 3 means that you do not want to see a phone while eating. so this is clearly indicating that a phone should not be taken out or used while eating.
1.No phones allowed at the dinner table. (夕食中は携帯を使えません。) 2.No phones will be touched while we are eating. (食事中、携帯は触れれません。) 3.I do not want to see a phone while we are eating. (食事中に携帯を見たくない。) * allowed =制限されている 1つ目の文章は、夕食中のテーブルで携帯の使用が許可されていないこと、 または携帯電話が禁止されていることを意味します。 2つ目文章は携帯電話を触れる事ができない事を意味し、 食事中に電話から手を離さなければいけないことを意味しています。 3つめの文章は、食事中に携帯電話を見たくないという事を意味しています。 つまり食事中に携帯電話を持ち出したり使用したりしてはならないことを明確に表現しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • It's rude to eat with a phone in your hand

  • Put your phone away when we are eating

You can say to them any of these questions. It depends on how you want to say it. The second question is a very demanding one.
上記の表現が使えます。 これはどう言いたいかによります。二つ目の例は非常に命令的です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • When we are eating please put your phone away

  • No phones at the dinner table

Depending on the situation, but both will get the message across. Also, you can add please to the first one.
これは状況によりますが、意味はどちらの例でも伝わります。また、最初の例には please を加えることができます。
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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