Please refrain from using a phone during the screening since it may disturb others watching the movie.
Please do not use a phone during the screening.
That woman is using a phone (during the screening) and it is disturbing, so could you ask her not to do it?
"refrain from~":「~するのを控える」
"during the screening":「上映中」
"disturb others to do~":「他の人が~するのに迷惑になる」
上映中に頼むのであれば、during the screeningは言わなくても伝わるでしょう。
"it is disturbing":「気になります、迷惑です」
"ask her not to do it"「彼女に、そうしないように言う」
I get distracted when people play with their phones during a movie.
I get distracted when people play with their phones at the theaters.
Distracted は注意をそらされる/ 気になる 、ので集中できない という意味の言葉です。ネガティブな意味です。
❶I get distracted when people play with their phones during a movie so please stop.
(人が映画の途中で携帯で遊ぶと、とても気になります/注意をそらされるので やめてください)。
❷I get distracted when people play with their phones at the theaters. Pleae stop.
The woman playing on her phone is very distracting.
We are in the middle of a movie.