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2017/05/26 13:13
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  • It refreshes my mouth.

口の中すっきりしたよ! refresh; すっきりさせる。
  • I feel better now that I have brushed my teeth.

  • My mouth feels refreshed after brushing my teeth.

"I feel better now that I have brushed my teeth." is a common way of explaining you feel cleaner or refreshed after brushing your teeth.
"I feel better now that I have brushed my teeth.は歯磨き後に口の中がきれいになって さっぱりしたことを説明する一般的な表現です。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • It's tingly fresh!

  • It makes my mouth come alive!

  • I love that minty flavour!

Tingly = causing or experiencing a slight prickling or stinging sensation - or, more positively, a cool or warm or fizzy sensation inside your mouth or on your skin. Minty flavour = the flavour of mint (from toothpaste)
Tingly=わずかなかゆみや刺すような感覚、または良い意味で、口の中または肌の中の冷たい、暖かい、または泡立つ感覚を引き起こすか、または経験する。 Minty flavour ー=ミントの香り(歯磨き粉より)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My mouth feels so fresh and clean!

  • I love that fresh feeling you get after brushing your teeth!

Both sentence can be used to express this feeling. You can say "My mouth feels so fresh and clean!" or You can explain how how you feel about the feeling of freshness in your mouth. Eg: "I love that fresh feeling you get after brushing your teeth!" I hope this helps :)
どちらの文章もこの気持ちを表現するのに用いることができます。”My mouth feels so fresh and clean!”(口中がとても爽やかで綺麗な気分)と言ったり、歯を磨いた後の口中がさっぱりした気分を説明することもできます。例:"I love that fresh feeling you get after brushing your teeth!”(歯磨き後に得られる口内がさっぱりした気分が大好き) ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • After brushing my teeth I feel fresh in my mouth

  • I have this refreshment feeling after brushing my teeth

There is no special word or phrase to express quicky what you asking. I wrote for you two examples and feel free to use any of them because they have a similar meaning.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • The best feeling after brushing my teeth is the freshness I can feel in my mouth.

>The best feeling after brushing my teeth is the freshness I can feel in my mouth. This is explaining that the fresh feeling in you mouth after brushing your teeth is the best.
The best feeling after brushing my teeth is the freshness I can feel in my mouth. 歯のブラッシングをした後に、口の中の爽やかな気分を意味する表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Minty fresh!

  • Baby's breath

One way of expressing your delight after brushing your teeth is to say: My mouth feels minty fresh! Minty - This is a flavour associated with mint. Minty is an adjective. Most toothpastes have a minty flavour. As sweet as a baby's breath. As sweet as - This is a simile. Freshness is associated with sweetness. Baby's breath - It is said that when a newborn baby is born their breath is very fresh because they have not eaten anything that would make their tongue smell. To have a baby's breath is to have very fresh breath. I hope that helps!
歯を磨いたあとの爽快感を表すひとつの言い方は、 My mouth feels minty fresh! minty - ミントの味のことです。Mintyというと形容詞です。歯磨き粉はたいていミント味ですね。 As sweet as a baby's breath. as sweet as - これは比喩です。爽快な感じが甘さと例えられています。 baby's breath - 生まれたばかりの新生児は、まだ舌が臭くなるようなものをまだ何も食べていないことから、息がフレッシュだと言われています。have a baby's breath といえば、息がとてもサッパリしていることを意味します。 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Fresh breath; minty-fresh

  • I brush my teeth after every meal so I always have fresh breath.

  • My breath feels minty-fresh!

"Fresh breath" implies that your breath smells good and your mouth is clean. "Minty-fresh" describes the flavor and cooling sensation that lingers in your mouth after you brush your teeth with mint toothpaste.
"Fresh breath" は「口がきれいで、いい匂いがする」というニュアンスです。 "Minty-fresh" は、ミントの歯磨き粉を使った後のすっきり感、後味を表します。
Emma D DMM英会話講師
  • After brushing my teeth my mouth feels fresh and clean.

  • I love having 'fresh breath' after brushing my teeth.

  • Clean teeth makes me feel refreshed.

Removing the build up of tartar and food from your teeth using a brush is 'brushing your teeth.' Such a good feeling and helps to maintain the health of your teeth and gums and prevent bad breath!! Yay! There are lots of adjectives you can use to explain the feeling in your mouth, which many tutors have mentioned - 'minty; fresh; tingly; refreshed.' Toothpaste often has a peppermint additive to make it taste better. You can use bicarb soda but although it will make your teeth feel cleaner, it does not give you that same sense of 'freshness' that peppermint can do.
ブラシを使って歯の汚れを落とすことは、'brushing your teeth' といいます。すごくすっきりしますね。歯や歯茎を健康に保ち、口臭も防げます!! Yay! 歯磨きをした後の口の中の感覚は、(他の回答にもあるとおり)いろいろな形容詞で表すことができます。 'minty'(ミントの味がする) 'fresh'(爽やかな) 'tingly'(チクチクする) 'refreshed'(すっきりした) 歯磨き粉には、味をよくするため、ペパーミントが入っていることが多いです。重曹を使うこともできますが、重曹にはペパーミントのような 'freshness'(すっきり感)はありません。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • My mouth feels fresh after I brushed my teeth

If you describe something as fresh, you like it because it is new and exciting. "My mouth feels fresh after I brushed my teeth"
fresh だとなにかを表すと、それは新しくてワクワクするようなものだからあなたは好むでしょう。 "My mouth feels fresh after I brushed my teeth." (歯を磨いた後は、私の口はフレッシュな感じがする。)
Kels DMM英会話講師
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