When I do something difficult, my motivation goes down.
- When I do something difficult, my motivation goes down.
- I lose motivation when doing something that is difficult.
- Even if you do something challenging or difficult when studying English, you won't continue to do it.
- I thought that doing something a little bit harder than my actual ability level would raise my motivation.
You'll lose motivation if you do things that are too hard for you.
「難しいことをやるとモチベが下がる」は英語で「You'll lose motivation if you do things that are too hard for you.」と言います。この英語表現は「難しくてできなさそう」というニュアンスが少し入っていて元の日本語と少し違いますがそのニュアンスがないとあまり自然な言い方にならないと感じます。
You won't be able to keep going if you study difficult English. I thought that I could raise my motivation by studying things that were a little above my level, but I was wrong.