As of yesterday, I was not scheduled to have a shift on the Friday the 10th, so I ended up making other plans on that day.
「他の[予定](を入れてしまいました」は英語で「ended up making other plans」と言います。
また、「昨日の時点でシフトに入ってなかったので他の予定を入れてしまいました」という表現を学びたいなら、そうすると、「As of yesterday, I was not scheduled to have a shift so I ended up making other plans.」になります。
もし、具体的の日付を付ければ、もっと分かりやすいと思います。例えば、上記の英文にて、「10日(金)」にすれば、「As of yesterday, I was not scheduled to have a shift on the Friday the 10th, so I ended up making other plans on that day.」という風に言えます。
ーI made other plans.
ーI committed to something else.
I didn't have a shift on that day when I looked at the schedule yesterday, so I made other plans.