Are there any horror movies or dramas you could recommend on Netflix?
Do you know of any good horror movies or dramas on Netflix?
ーAre there any horror movies or dramas you could recommend on Netflix?
to recommend で「勧める」
ーDo you know of any good horror movies or dramas on Netflix?
Do you have any horror movie or TV show recommendations that I can watch on Netflix?
「Netflixで観れるお勧めのホラー映画やドラマはある?」は英語で「Do you have any horror movie or TV show recommendations that I can watch on Netflix?」と言います。英語の「ドラマ」は「drama」を使うと相手がわかってくれないので、「TV show」の方が適切です。
Do you have any horror movie or TV show recommendations that I can watch on Netflix? I'm thinking of watching one on the weekend.