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2016/09/27 15:54
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  • Can I have some extra bags?

こんにちは。 Can I have some extra bags? 袋を余分に何枚かもらえますか? 「レジ袋」は plastic bag(ビニール袋)や paper bag(紙袋)と言いますが、bag だけでも通じます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Can I have some extra bags please?

  • Can I have some more bags please?

Now in many shops in the UK, it costs a small amount of money for each plastic shopping bag. You can say to the store clerk or sales assistant: Can I have some extra bags please? Extra - Additional Can I have some more bags please? 'Some more' - extra, additional. I hope that helps!
イギリスのお店では、レジ袋をもらうためにいくらかお金を払う場合が多いです。 店員さんにこのように聞けます。 Can I have some extra bags please? extra - 追加の Can I have some more bags please? some more - 余分の、追加の 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Could I have 2 extra plastic bags please?

  • Another plastic bag please

As plastic bags are now chargeable in all shops in the UK, It is necessary to say how many bags you need. "Some bags" is an unclear request and the assistant will inevitably ask you how many you want in that case. If you ask for 2 bags at first and then find that you need another one, you can ask for : "Another plastic bag please."
UKでは、ビニール袋にお金がかかります。何枚必要か言う必要があるということです。some bagでは相手も何枚必要なのか問わざる画を得ません。合計2枚必要でもう一枚必要なら、こういえます。"Another plastic bag please."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have extra plastic bags, please?

  • Could you please give me some more plastic bags?

  • I would like additional plastic bags, please.

レジ袋 = plastic bag / disposable shopping bag 余分な = extra, excess, additional, more 何枚か = some
レジ袋 = plastic bag / disposable shopping bag 余分な = extra, excess, additional, more 何枚か = some
  • May I please have some extra bags?

  • Please give me some extra bags.

The first line is a polite request using the word 'may'. To make the politeness even more obvious, you may add the adverb 'please': May I please have some extra bags? Or, you may add 'please' at the end: May I have some extra bags please? You can also be more direct by using the verb 'give' while still using the adverb 'please' and say: Please give me some extra bags. Please note that in this request, without the adverb 'please', this would be a command and not a request.
1つ目の文は、'may'という助動詞を使って丁寧にお願いをしています。 丁寧な態度をさらに前面に出すには、'please'という副詞を使います。 May I please have some extra bags? (レジ袋を余分にいただけますか?) または、'please'を文末につけます。 May I have some extra bags please? (レジ袋を余分にいただけますか?) 'please'を使いつつも、'give'という動詞を使い、よりハッキリと伝えることができます。 Please give me some extra bags.(レジ袋を余分にください。) 'please'という副詞を使わないと、お願いではなく命令になってしまうので気をつけてください。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • May I have some extra bags, please?

  • Can I have more bags, please?

"May I have some additional bags, please?" This is a formal way of asking for bags! "Can I have more bags, please?" This is an informal way of asking for bags!
"May I have some additional bags, please?" これはバッグをくださいとお願いする丁寧な言い方です。 "Can I have more bags, please?" これはバッグをくださいとお願いするカジュアルな言い方です。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I would like an extra bag, please.

  • Can I please have another bag?

  • Would I be able to get an extra bag?

When going shopping it is easy to forget to bring a bag along to carry your items. However, most stores offer plastic or paper bags for free or at a low price. After paying for your items just kindly ask the clerk at the cash register this: "Could I have another bag, please?" The clerk may ask if you want plastic or paper and he may tell you if the bag costs extra. When saying 'more' we can also say: extra, or, 'another'.
買い物に行く時、マイバッグを忘れてしまう事がありますよね。 でも、多くのお店ではレジ袋や紙袋を無料や安価で提供しています。 支払いが終わった後に、店員さんに次のように寧丁寧に尋ねましょう。 "Could I have another bag, please?" (もう一袋もらえませんか?) 店員さんはプラスチック袋か紙袋のどちらが欲しいのか尋ねるでしょう。 袋代がかかることも言うかもしれません。 'more'(もっと)と言う時、"extra"(追加)や"another"(他の)という事も出来ます。
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please give me some extra bags?

  • I think I'm going to need more bags, could you possibly give me some?

Sometimes, we need more bags when we are shopping. In many places, you must pay for plastic bags. It isn't that much. "Can you please give me some extra bags?": In this phrase, you are being very polite which is important when you are dealing with workers. You expect them to be polite also, so it is good to start off very polite. "I think I'm going to need more bags, could you possibly give me some more please?": In this phrase, it is a bit more polite. You are explaining to the worker that you might need more bags and then you ask if you could have some more. Maybe you should say how many you need, or choose a number like 4, as it is better to have too many than too few
買い物をしていると袋が余計に要ることがありますね。お店ではレジ袋は有料のことが多いです。そんなに高くはありませんよ。 "Can you please give me some extra bags?"(袋を少し余分にいただけますか) このフレーズでは「丁寧」に尋ねています。これは店員と接するときとても大切です。店員に親切にしてもらいたいなら、まずこちらから店員に対して親切にしましょう。 "I think I'm going to need more bags, could you possibly give me some more please?"(もう少し袋が必要になると思うので、少しいただけますか) このフレーズはより丁寧です。まず「袋が余計に必要になるかもしれない」と説明して、それから「もう少し袋をください」と伝えています。何枚必要なのか伝えた方がいいでしょう。あるいは、少ないよりも多い方がいいので、少し多めに言ってもいいかもしれません。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have some extra bags, please?

  • Can I get another bag, please?

  • Please may I have an extra bag.

Can I have some extra bags, please? Can I get another bag, please? Please may I have an extra bag. All of these are basically the same, or at least they are saying the same thing, they are just worded a little differently. Also, the please can go at the beginning or at the end, it is your choice where you want to add it, if you want to add it at all. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Can I have some extra bags, please?(袋を少し余分にもらえますか) Can I get another bag, please?(もう一枚袋をもらえますか) Please may I have an extra bag.(袋を一枚余分にもらえますか) これらは、言い方が少し違うだけで、基本的には同じ意味です。また、'Please' は文頭にも文末にも置くことができます。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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