世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/10/17 11:07
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  • Can I have another bag please? Id like to use it to wrap this as a gift.

Can I have another bag please? Allows you to politely ask for an additional bag. “I’d like to use it to wrap this as a gift”. By telling the employee that you want to use the extra bag to wrap a gift, they may suggest another option. Many places like the Disney store offer an additional gift wrapping option for their products.
Can I have another bag please? (別の大きな袋をもらえますか?) と尋ねると丁寧に袋の追加を尋ねる事ができます。 “I’d like to use it to wrap this as a gift”. (私はこれを贈り物として包むためにそれを使いたいと思います) 贈り物を包むために他の袋を使いたいと店員に伝えることにより、 店員は他のオプションを提案してくるかもしれません。 ディズニーストアのような多くの場所では、 商品のギフトラッピングのオプションの追加を尋ねてきます。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • Extra bag, please.

  • May I have an extra bag?

  • May I have an extra bag, please?

"[Item], please." is the casual way to request for that item. If you want to sound more polite, use "may I..."
"[Item], please.([アイテム、商品]、お願いします。)" その商品をお願いするカジュアルな言い方です。 もっと丁寧な言い方をしたいのであれば、"may I ..."(~してもいいですか?) を使う事もできます。
Gio English instructor
  • Could I please have 2 extra bags I would like to use them.

  • Could you please put this item in a separate bag.

*Could I please have 2 extra bags I would like to use them. This means you would like them to give you more bags. 2 to be more specific because you would like to use them after. *Could you please put this item in a separate bag. This means instead of getting extra bags, you would like the present to be packaged in its own bag so that it's easier for you when you deliver it.
*Could I please have 2 extra bags I would like to use them. (余分に2枚袋をください) これは余分に袋をくださいという意味です。 2枚と具体的な数字を伝えることも出来ます。 *Could you please put this item in a separate bag? (袋を分けてもらってもいいですか?) これは余分な袋をくださいという代わりに、プレゼント用なので袋をわけてくださいという言い方です。この方が配る時に楽ですよね。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Could I have a few extra bags please - to be used as gift bags?

  • Is it OK if I have a few extra bags?

You may ask directly for the bags and give a reason: "Could I have a few extra bags please - to be used as gift bags?" However, probably the store is used to people making that request. Probably it's unnecessary to explain exactly why you need the bags. If you bought a few items, then they will probably be very happy to give you some extra bags. You may just ask: "Is it OK if I have a few extra bags?"
率直にバッグが欲しい事と理由を言うことが出来ます。 "Could I have a few extra bags please - to be used as gift bags?" (ギフト用に、余分に袋をください) しかし、お店はその様な依頼に慣れているでしょうから、そのような事をわざわざ説明す必要はないでしょう。 いくつかの商品を買ったら、お店も喜んで余分に袋をくれるでしょう。 次のように、ただ聞いてみてください "Is it OK if I have a few extra bags?" (余分に袋をもらってもいいですか?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I get a gift bag?

  • May I have more bags to give someone as a gift?

  • Can I get this wrapped?

"gift bag" is also a bag used to cover a present to give to someone. "More bags to give someone as a gift" is asking for multiple bags so that you can wrap the gift so the person can't see it and will need to unwrap it to see it. "Can I get this wrapped" is another way of saying you want to give the product as a present and want the employee to wrap it so the person has to open the gift to see it.
「gift bag」は、誰かにあげるプレゼントを覆う袋としても使われます。 「More bags to give someone as a gift」は、複数の袋をお願いしています。贈り物を包装し、中身が分からないようにするためです。 「Can I get this wrapped」これも、その商品をプレゼントとして渡したいので、包装するように店員にお願いする言い方です。
Katrina W DMM英会話講師
  • May I have more bags please. I want to use it to wrap a gift

  • May I please have another bag / a few extra bags

When you want to ask for extra bags because you want to use them to wrap a gift you plan to give to someone, then you can say: -May I have more bags please. I want to use it to wrap a gift -May I please have another bag / a few extra bags
贈り物を包むために使う余分な袋が欲しいとお願いしたい時、以下のように言えます: May I have more bags please? I want to use it to wrap a gift. (余分な袋をもらってもいいですか?贈り物を包むのに使いたいです。) May I please have another bag / a few extra bags? (袋をもらってもいいですか?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I would like a gift bag for my purchases

  • Could I get these items gift wrapped?

  • May I have a few extra bags, please?

In the US we are accustomed to stores gift wrapping products that we buy as presents. Most stores will do it for you, especially around Christmas time, but not only. "Could I get that gift wrapped?" is used very often . Sometimes there is even a gift wrapping area or department of the store. If for some reason the store doesn't gift wrap, they would usually have a gift bag or a gift box to give to their customers. Your could ask, "Do you have a gift bag for my purchase?""May I have a gift box with my items?" If the store has neither gift wrapping nor gift bags, which wold be strange, you could still politely ask for extra bags because your purchase will be a gift. "Do you have some extra bags? This item is a gift."
米国では、贈り物として買った商品を包んでもらうことに慣れています。特にクリスマス時期は多いですが、それだけでなくほとんどのお店でやってくれます。 Could I get that gift wrapped? (贈り物用に包んでもらえますか?) はよく使われます。 たまに、店内に贈り物を包装するためのエリアがある場合もあります。そのお店が何らかの理由で贈り物を包装しない場合は、gift bag(ギフトバッグ)やgift box(ギフト用の箱)をお願いできます。 Do you have a gift bag for my purchase? May I have a gift box with my items? (ギフトバッグ/ギフト用の箱はありますか?) もしお店が贈り物用の包装もギフトバッグもないなら(だとしたらちょっと変ですが)、袋を余分に頼むこともできます。 Do you have some extra bags? This item is a gift. (袋を余分にいただけますか。これは贈り物です。)
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
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