We don't have much time left in our lesson, maybe we should keep going.
I think we are running out of time, maybe we should keep pushing ahead.
ーWe don't have much time left in our lesson, maybe we should keep going.
ーI think we are running out of time, maybe we should keep pushing ahead.
We don't have much time, so could we please move on with the lesson?
Could we move on with the lesson? There's not much time left.
「時間ないので早く授業を進めて」は英語で「We don't have much time, so could we please move on with the lesson?」と言います。文章を分けて「Could we move on with the lesson? There's not much time left.」でも言いたいことも伝えられます。先生は時間があるとしてもhohoho0507さんの方が時間がない場合でも「I don't have time」より「We don't have time」のは「一緒にいる時間を無駄にしたくない」イメージが強くて「I」でしたらせっかちのイメージがありますので「We」の方がイメージがいいです。
Could we move on with the lesson? There's not much time left.