As the end of the semester approaches, more and more students seek career counseling.
「学期末が近づくと[進路](相談が増える」は英語で「As the end of the semester approaches, more and more students seek career counseling.」という風言えます。
もし、「学期末は成績が出るので」という部分も追加したい場合、そうすると「As the end of the semester approaches and grades start coming out, more and more students seek career counseling.」になります。
"As the end of semester nears, the number of career consultations increases."
"As the end of semester nears, the number of career consultations increases."
"as ~ nears" 「〜が近づくと」
"the end of semester”「学期末」
"the number of ~ increases" 「〜が増える」
career consultations" 「進路相談」