I'm running at a pace I can continue smiling without going too hard.
「頑張り過ぎず」=「without going too hard」
「ニコニコペースで」=「at a pace (I) can smile」
「走ってます」=「I'm running」
一般的に「頑張る」=「giving (my) best」ですが、このような状況では「頑張り過ぎる」は「going too hard」はちょうどいいです。
「I can smile」は「ニコニコできる」と言う意味があります。「I can continue smiling」=「ニコニコし続ける」です。「continue smiling」の方が自然だと思います。
I am running at a pace where I can smile and don't push myself.
- I am running at a pace where I can smile and don't push myself.
- I don't push myself when running, I run at a pace where I can keep a smile on my face.
- I jog every night as fast as I can run while keeping a smile on my face.
- Every night I go jogging at a pace where I can run while still keep a smile on my face.