「私は小学1年生を2回しました」は英語で「I did 1st grade in elementary school twice.」と言います。
また、英語でこのシチュエーションを説明したいなら、そうすると、「When I was 5 years old, I lived 11 months in the U.K. where I got to experience going to 1st grade in elementary school, but once I came back to Japan, I did the first grade again.」という風に言えます。
- I repeated first grade.
- I had to repeat first grade.
- I went through first grade twice.
- When I was five years old (in Japan that is the age for preschool or kindergarten), I lived in England for eleven months. In England, you are able to start first grade from five years old so I experienced the first grade in England and when I came back to Japan, I was still a first grader.
- So, I had to repeat first grade.