世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/09/29 18:39
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  • Oops, I've got the wrong pair of socks on today!

The colors were similar so I didn't notice. 色が似ていたので、気がつかなかった と付け加えることができるかと思います。 朝急いでいるとそういうことって起きますよね! あとは、表裏が逆とか・・・ ご参考になれば幸いです。
Yuiko Manager Research & Administration, ECC Junior講師
  • Odd...

  • I am ODD...just like my socks!

Odd socks can be a bit of a feaux-pas (french for mistake) but like most things when they go wrong...there is a "funny side to it"...We may want to "make light of it" and the perfect phrase might be: I am ODD...just like my socks! ODD = strange... Not matching...unusual /not normal.
"Odd socks"(左右ちぐはぐな靴下)は少し "feaux-pas" (フランス語で無作法/間違い)ですが 、 何か間違っていたりする時は"funny side to it"(おかしな事)もありますよね。 私たちは "make light of it"(馬鹿にする)したてみたり。 上手い表現は次のようになります。 【例】 I am ODD...just like my socks! (私馬鹿ね、私の靴下みたい) ODD = 奇妙、おかしい Not matching. (合わない) unusual /not normal. (普通ではない/まれなこと)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Oops! My sock don't match!

  • Oh my word! I only realized now that I am wearing two different types of sock

▪Oops! My sock don't match! "oops" is an indication that you did not know and that you are surprised. It also give the idea that it is sort of funny. ▪Oh my word! I only realized now that I am wearing two different types of sock "oh my word" is indicating that you are shocked. This sentence also indicates that you find it funny that your socks do not match.
▪Oops! My sock don't match! (おっとっと!靴下がバラバラです!) "oops"はあなたが知っておらず驚いていることを示します。何だか面白いということも分からせます。 ▪Oh my word! I only realized now that I am wearing two different types of sock (何とまあ!自分が2種類の異なる靴下を履いていることをたった今気付きました) "oh my word"はあなたが驚いていることを示しています。この文はあなたが自分の靴下が揃っていないことを面白く思っていることも示します。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Oops! It seems like I've put on socks that don't match today

  • Oh my gosh! I have on mismatched socks today

When you want to express that you have sock that do not match, then you may say this in the following ways: -Oops! It seems like I've put on socks that don't match today -Oh my gosh! I have on mismatched socks today
「バラバラの靴下を履いてきてしまった」は、次のように言えます。 -Oops! It seems like I've put on socks that don't match today(しまった!バラバラの靴下を履いてきてしまった) -Oh my gosh! I have on mismatched socks today(しまった!バラバラの靴下を履いてきてしまった)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I wore two different socks for a joke

  • I wore a pair of unmatching socks

  • I wore odd socks just to make an impression

Odd = Odd means unpaired, occasional, strange or unusual, or a person who is viewed as eccentric. To make an impression = make other people notice and admire you, to be very good or impressive:stand out, be an inspiration to someone, make a favourable impression (on someone)... "It’s a performance that’s sure to make an impression on the judges." Unmatching = Not matching; that does not match, different from another in one or more ways.
Odd = Odd とは半端、奇妙、おかしな人や風変わりな人の事 To make an impression = 注意をひく、強く心に印象付ける、心に焼き付けたり、立派な実績を残したりすること "It’s a performance that’s sure to make an impression on the judges." (間違いなくジャッジに強い印象を焼き付ける演技だったでしょう) Unmatching = マッチしない、合わない、お互い違う
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My socks don't match

  • Got the wrong pairs on today

"My socks don't match" When something doesn't match it is referring something/somethings are not the same, that they are different. "Got the wrong pairs on today" 'Pairs' is the expression used for two things, a pair of socks is one pair (2 socks).
"My socks don't match"(靴下がバラバラだ) 'Something doesn't match' は「~が同じでない、一致しない」という意味です。 "Got the wrong pairs on today"(バラバラのを履いてきてしまった) 'Pairs' は二つのものについて使われます。'Pair of socks' は「靴下一足」の意味です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I've got odd socks on!

  • Oops my socks don't match!

When you notice you have made a mistake you may use the word 'oops' if you are wearing 2 different socks then these can be called 'odd socks' or you can say 'my socks don't match'
自分のミスに気が付いたときは、'oops' が使えます。 靴下を左右バラバラに履いているなら、これは 'odd socks'(左右バラバラの靴下)と言えます。 あるいは、'my socks don't match'(靴下が左右バラバラだ)と言うこともできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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